
, Master, Pushkins'ka, 77, Kharkiv

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Signed print


Issues number

2017 - № 3 (30)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. The using outsourcing from a development perspective of the national economy is becoming increasingly relevant. In this regard, it is necessary to determine the main advantages that the state and the national economy can obtain in the establishment of cooperative economic contractual relations.
Recent research and publications analysis. Such scientists as I. Heleta, T. Vasylkivska, S. Shaidurov, L. Pershko, V. Makedon, I. Syniaieva, S. Kahanova and others worked out the problem. However, the problem of legal development of outsourcing relations was still unresolved.
Paper objective. The purpose of the article is to determine the place and features of outsourcing relations in the system of objects of state industrial policy; to analyze the potential benefits that the state may receive, and creating favorable conditions for foreign investment and the transfer of certain functions of TNCs.
Paper main body. Companies in its activities are increasingly turning to outsourcing. There are certain prerequisites that encourage companies to resort to this means of economic and legal activity. These prerequisites are: high market dynamism, the possibility of release managers’ time, the lack of specialized skills to perform certain tasks, and the achievement of objectivity. Factors of the company’s activity must be analyzed, the purpose is determined, the information about potential outsourcing companies is gather for the company’s decision about outsourcing. This concept was not included in the economic sphere despite the prevalence of outsourcing.
Conclusion of the research.
1. The microlevel, macro level, and mega-level for the formation of instrumental economic and legal framework for the regulation of outsourcing relations should be conditionally allocated.
2. The main criterion for the delineation of levels is accentuation on the types of economic-legal relations, the specifics of the subject structure. Consequently, at the microlevel of the parties to the treaty there are separate companies, at the macro level – outsourcing with a foreign element taken on a macroeconomic scale, and on a mega-level mandatory entity is the TNC.
3. Outsourcing can play an important function at the micro level, which is associated with the implementation of regional policy to increase the development of depressed regions.
4. The use of outsourcing at the macro level makes it possible to improve interaction at the international economic relations and contributing to the development of important sectors of the national industry.
5. Mega-level is the most important for the state and is characterized by the way out on the global economy. The main task of the state is to ensure national interests and prevent the abuse of rights of TNCs in the domestic market.
6. Aircraft industry, defense industry, IT and pharmacy are promising areas in Ukraine from a development perspective through outsourcing.
Short abstract for an article
Abstract. The article is devoted the analysis of the outsourcing using on three main levels: micro level, macro level and mega-level. The analysis of interaction of different subjects at different levels of outsourcing and advantages that the state can receive from such economic-legal relations is carried out. Tasks of economic-legal policy in the outsourcing relations are determined. Positions on public interests and on the features of the state’s economic policy in the outsourcing relations are formulated.


Outsourcing, outsourcing contracts, transnational corporations, industrial policy of the state, domestic outsourcer enterprise.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

3 159-170


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