Author |
Radchenko І. O., holder of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education, Ukraine, Kharkiv |
In heading |
Economic theory; | ||||
Signed print |
05.09.2024 | Issues number |
2024 - №3 (58) | Page |
39-56 |
Type of articles |
Scientific article | Code UDK |
[339.17:005.21]:004 | ISSN print |
2411-5584 |
Abstract |
Problem setting. Digitization can serve as an effective tool for effective trade business, which actualizes research aimed at determining the conceptual and applied foundations of the formation and implementation of its development strategy in today’s changing conditions. Recent research and publication analysis. In the field of trade, the processes of digitization, their content, directions, measures and tools, consequences and prospects in the works of Ukrainian researchers are revealed. But the strategy of digital transformation of trade business has not yet received a systematic analysis. Paper objective. The purpose of the article is to justify, based on a comprehensive approach, directions and components of the trade business development strategy, taking into account the peculiarities of economic activity in the field of trade and its digital transformation. Paper main body. The justification of the strategy for the development of trade business in the conditions of digitalization of its economic functions and processes should be based on a comprehensive approach: 1) definition of the digital transformation of trade business, which is the process of its systematic transformation by acquiring the essential characteristics of Industry 4.0 entrepreneurship; 2) a combination of analysis of economic, organizational-management, technicaltechnological, socio-cultural features of trade business, its subjects and digital technologies. Trade business is service, infrastructural, technologically polystructural and networked, innovative, dynamic, flexible, able to adapt to changes in the market environment. Digitalization of trade business is a condition and a factor of its socio-economic, organizational-management and cultural transformations as a complete economic system Conclusion of the research. In accordance with the integrated approach, the strategy for the development of trade business in conditions of digitalization should include: 1) basic directions of strategic development of trade business entities taking into account their digital transformations; 2) strategic directions of digital transformation of trade business as a complete economic system, including hybridization strategies, development of omnichannel trading activity and cross-channel interaction, personalization of trade service and customer experience management of buyers, introduction of new forms and models of e-commerce, formation of digital ecosystems of trade enterprises, etc. Short abstract for an article Abstract. The article reveals the strategic directions of trade business development in the conditions of digitalization are revealed. A comprehensive approach to the formation of a trading business strategy, which combines the analysis of its basic characteristics and forms of digital transformation, is substantiated. The basic strategies of trade business development, taking into account their digital characteristics and the strategy of digital transformation, are the components of the strategy of trading enterprises are proved. |
Keywords |
trade business, trade enterprise, trade business development strategy, digital transformation of trade business, comprehensive approach, d-commerce, hybridization, omnichannel, personalization, digital ecosystems of trade business |
Reviewer |
External reviewer |
Article in PDF |
39-56 | ||||
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Code DOI |
https://doi.org/10.31359/2411-5584-2024-58-3-39 |
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