
, lawyer, certified auditor, graduate student of the Department of Financial Law, Ukraine, Kharkiv

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Signed print


Issues number

2024 - №3 (58)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Modern conditions demonstrate the ineffectiveness of old management methods, which necessitates administrative reforms and updating legislation. Therefore, for successful integration into the European Union Ukraine should use European experience and implement best practices in its management system, which requires proper scientific research.
Recent research and publication analysis. The problem of applying the principles of good governance has been studied by many scientists. First of all, it should be noted that these principles have not yet been officially enshrined in Ukrainian legislation. Therefore, our scientific research will be based on the work of modern scientists.
Paper objective. The purpose of this article is an integrated and comprehensive study of the legal foundations of the principle of good governance, the question of interpretation by judicial authorities, the interpretation of the definition of the principle by international bodies and EU bodies.
Paper main body. The concept of “good governance” is multifaceted, because it regulates and standardizes the components that are necessary for the high-quality functioning of the public authority system. The principles of “good governance” defined in 1997 in the UN program “Governance and Sustainable Human Development” are the principles of legitimacy, direction, productivity, accountability, and justice. In 2008 the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe laid out “12 principles of good governance”.
These principles should become guidelines for the public authority system, including inspections with comprehensive and complete research of data, proper performance of official duties by officials, the possibility for citizens to effectively challenge the decisions of the tax authority, etc. The principle of good governance also applies to tax disputes, since the taxpayer, not having his own power functions, has a limited ability to control its counterparty.
In order to settle these issues, it is necessary to start with high-quality legal regulation. All branches of government should be “Guardians of change”. However, civil society, in turn, should also show readiness for such changes and contribute to them.
Conclusion of the research. The implementation of “good governance” model is aimed at the comprehensive reform of the entire sphere of public administration in the direction of democratization and the introduction of international standards of management practice. This includes ensuring transparency, accountability and efficiency in the activities of state bodies. This model should be comprehensive, multi-level and provide feedback mechanisms between the government, society and the individual. Feedback mechanisms, such as public hearings, advisory council’s regular population surveys, will allow the authorities to receive timely information about the real needs and problems of citizens, which will contribute to making more informed and effective decisions.
The implementation of this model also requires the development and implementation of new approaches to the training of civil servants, with an emphasis on increasing their competence, ethics and responsibility.
Short аbstract for an article
Abstract. The actual problem of modernization of the Ukrainian management system in the context of implementing the principles of good governance is considered in the article. The author draws attention to the fact that the introduction of modern methods and approaches to management is a necessary step to ensure the effective work of state structures, namely tax authorities. It is noted that in the context of European integration processes and the need to adapt to international standards it is important for Ukraine to review its approaches to management at all levels, from national to local. It involves not only
introducing new technologies, but also reforming administrative procedures and improving the skills of civil servants.


good governance, administrative reform, European integration, governance, management principles, tax disputes, public administration, local government,
modernization, international standards.


External reviewer

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