
, Doctor of Law (PhD), Senior Researcher, Associate Professor of the Environmental Law Department, Ukraine, Kharkiv

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Issues number

2024 - №3 (58)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. The codification of land, water, forest, natural resources (mining), as well as faunal and atmospheric legislation became the impetus for the powerful growth in Ukraine of scientific, methodological and theoretical studies of the most diverse problems of legal regulation of the protection, use and reproduction of not only individual natural resources and the surrounding natural environment, but also the emergence of new directions of theoretical research, doctrinal interpretation of adopted legislative acts. This brought the scientific component of the methodology of the legal foundations of environmental protection to its fundamentally new, qualitatively meaningful level. In modern conditions, the relevance of a methodological study of legal regulation of the use and protection of the environment in the innovative sphere for the process of integration of Ukraine is determined not only by environmental challenges, but also by the need to implement high-tech solutions. Implementation of effective integration involves the development and improvement of research methods that will allow analyzing the interaction between innovative processes and environmental aspects.
Recent research and publications analysis. These problems have been the subject of particular attention among leading scientists as: A. P. Getman, H. V. Anisimova, Ye. P. Suietnov, E. Ye. Tulina, and others. However, sufficient attention was not paid directly to the issue of research methodology of legal use and environmental protection in the innovative sphere.
Paper objective. Methodological research will contribute to the determination of optimal strategies aimed at ensuring sustainable development and increasing the competitiveness of Ukraine in the international arena. The research should also take into account socio-economic dimensions, which will allow to support innovative initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life of citizens. The process of integration requires the development of complex methodologies that combine economic, social, scientific, technical and environmental aspects of innovative development. This approach allows solving the
problems of sustainable technologies, reducing the impact on the environment and efficient use of resources. In addition, it is important to create an infrastructure for monitoring and implementing the developed methodologies in practice to ensure the long-term effectiveness of innovative solutions.
Paper main body. Тhe anthropological approach in the context of the use and protection of the environment in the innovative sphere is based on the understanding of the relationship between human society and the natural environment. This approach recognizes that cultural, social and technological aspects influence the relationship with nature. Anthropology makes an important contribution to the formation of sustainable innovations, as the study of cultural values allows adapting technologies and innovations to the needs of society, while ensuring a balance between development and environmental preservation. Environmental protection in the innovative sphere, based on anthropological principles, is aimed at creating technological solutions that take into account the needs of modern society and ensure environmental sustainability. This approach promotes the interaction of people with the external environment, contributing to balanced development and preservation of natural resources for future generations. An ecosystem approach to the use and protection of the environment in the innovative sphere requires a balanced combination of technological solutions and the preservation of natural resources. This approach contributes to the creation of interdependent systems, where innovations are aimed at improving the quality of life, while ensuring the sustainable development of natural ecosystems. Preservation of biodiversity and environmental sustainability are becoming necessary conditions for the
long-term functioning of innovative processes, ensuring a harmonious relationship between technological progress and the preservation of natural resources for future generations.
The study of methodological approaches is not limited only to the anthropological and ecosystem approach. Along with them, the following approaches should be mentioned, such as historical, comparative legal, axiological, synergistic, informational.
Conclusions of the research. The methodological basis for solving environmental protection problems is based on a whole complex of approaches, scientific methods and the interaction of various fields of knowledge. It includes the analysis of environmental processes, the identification of risks, the development of standards and regulations, as well as the application of economic and legal regulation tools. The main goal is to develop effective strategies for balanced development, which would take into account the needs of society and the environment, taking into account the innovative component.
Short abstract for an article
Аbstract. The author of the article analyzes the methodology of legal use and environmental protection in the field of innovation sphere. The author distinguishes such methods as anthropological, ecosystem, informational, synergistic, scientific and comparative, and others. It is noted that the methodology can have several levels. The strategic level is focused on defining general goals and strategies for achieving success in a specific area, considers global issues related to ensuring competitiveness and other strategic solutions. The tactical level of the methodology involves the development of valid plans and strategies to achieve strategic goals. He deals with internal organization and management of processes within the framework of defined strategic goals. The operational level is aimed at specific actions and performance of tasks aimed at achieving tactical and strategic goals. It includes detailing tasks, allocation of resources and monitoring the execution of plans. The dialecticworldview level of the methodology is focused on understanding the cultural, philosophical and ideological aspects of the research or approach, takes into account the influence of the socio-cultural context on the formation and development of methodological approaches. The interdisciplinary level of the methodology involves elements from different fields of knowledge to solve complex problems.


methodology, environment, innovative sphere, ecosystem, anthropological approach.


External reviewer

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