
, professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2024 - №3 (58)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Business is the object of the influence of internal and external interested groups, the coordination of interests and actions of which is the task of corporate security of enterprises. It actualized research as a system of goals, structural elements, directions and measures to ensure business protection through the formation and development of constructive corporate relations.
Recent research and publication analysis. In modern scientific and applied resources, the concept of corporate security has not yet received a single disclosure of its content, on the contrary there are different approaches to its definition:
– a comparative approach based on the analysis of similarities/differences of corporate and economic security;
– process-management approach, according to which corporate security is a set of management processes and measures of corporate management.
The analysis of modern scientific sources is the basis for a conclusion about the multifaceted content of corporate security, which actualizes a systematic approach to the study of its essence, directions, functions, components and measures.
Paper objective. The purpose of the article is to reveal the main economic characteristics of corporate business security, which determine the conceptual foundations of a systemic approach to the protection of corporate relations and the prevention of corporate conflicts at enterprises.
Paper main body. The systematic analysis of the essence of corporate security is based on the disclosure of its economic, functional-purpose, process-management and performance aspects and characteristics, which are interconnected and integrated into a single complex of ensuring the security of business operations and development in the conditions of threats and risks associated with interests and actions of its stakeholders.
The conceptual basis of the research of corporate security in the context of a systemic approach to its analysis is the justification of its economic essence.
Corporate security is aimed at protecting business from threats and risks of destructive influence of its stakeholders by taking into account and harmonizing their interests and actions about the enterprise. The economic interest of stakeholders is various forms of economic benefit, the expectation or receipt of which motivates interested groups to take certain actions.
Corporate security is aimed at ensuring the security of corporate relations, the economic content of which is formed by relations regarding the exchange of resources, income and other forms of economic benefit of business and its stakeholders. Economic corporate conflicts are a critical state of economic corporate relations as certain contradictions arising between stakeholders and business regarding the exchange of resources and income.
Conclusion of the research. Corporate business security in the economic sense is the protection of all its organizational and legal forms of economic corporate relations regarding the exchange of resources, income and other forms of economic benefit between the enterprise and its stakeholders. The derivative form of economic corporate relations is corporate legal relations, the critical state is economic corporate conflicts.
Short аbstract for an article
Abstract. The economic characteristics of corporate business security, which is the conceptual basis of a systemic approach to the analysis of its multifaceted nature, are revealed in the article. It is substantiated that, in the economic sense, corporate business security is the protection of economic corporate relations inherent in all its organizational and legal forms between the business and its stakeholders about the exchange of resources and various forms of benefit. The economic component of the content of corporate conflicts is determined as a critical state of corporate relations.


economic security, corporate security, systemic approach, economic corporate relations, economic interests and economic behavior of business stakeholders,
economic corporate conflicts.


External reviewer

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