Authors should submit to the editorial office the following documents:
– a soft copy of an article to e-mail the editorial board:;
– a hard copy of an article, which is revised and signed up by all the authors with a mark of the date of its receipt in the editorial office;
– the information about author(s): a last name, a first name, a middle name, position and place of work, a scientific degree, an academic title, contacts (telephone, e-mail address, full postal address), ORCID code;
– a review of the PhD or doctor of science in the corresponding specialty and an extract of protocol of a meeting of a department (branch) with recommendation for publication of the article are additionally submitted (if the authors don’t have a scientific degree);
– a photo of an article author (co-authors) in a 4×5,5 format, *.jpg extension, 600×600 dpi quality;
– a license agreement of an author (or co-authors), which permit to place an article on the website of the Scientific Library of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (, on the website of the collection of scientific papers «Economic Theory and Law» (, and on the website of Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine (
Appendix 1. Publishing-license-agreement
Technical requirements
Length of article – 18-30 pages of A4 format, including figures, tables, graphs, references, and an extended abstract.
A text should be typed in MS WORD for WINDOWS, using a 14-point Times New Roman type font and 1.5-spacing, indentation 1,25 cm. Margins: left – 3 сm, right – 1.5 сm, top and bottom – 2 сm; book orientation.
In the process of manuscript preparation, do not use spaces, tabulation, etc. and do not apply running heads and automatic word division for text formatting. You must use a vertical layout for tables and build them be means of MS Word table tools. Formulas should be prepared with the help of Microsoft Equation Editor 2.0. Scanned or photographed charts, figures, tables, etc. are not allowed.
Article formatting requirements:
– the top left corner of the first page – a universal decimal classification code (UDC);
– the next line – information about an author (co-authors) in an article language: a last name, a first name, a middle name (capital letters, bold font), a scientific degree, an academic title, the full name of a position and an organization, where an author (co-authors) works or studies; a city, where an organization is situated, and country; author’s e-mail and ORCID.
– the top right corner of the first page – a photo of an author (authors);
– an article title is centered below (capital letters, bold font);
– sources of research funding. If an article contains results of research conducted under grants, target programs, fundamental or applied research at the expanse of public funds or due to financial support of other institutions, we recommend pointing out this fact in a footnote for an article title. Such research papers are worthy of peculiar notice and an approval of journals indexed in academic databases. For instance:
1 The paper is performed within a target complex program “Social and Economic Modernization of Ukraine and Formation of an Innovative Development Model” (No. of the state registration 0111u000961) and a fundamental research “Scientific and Theoretical Problems of Formation, Development, and Institutional Building a Legal Economy in Ukraine” at the expanse of the state budget (No. of the state registration 0115U000326);
– a short abstract of up to 50 words and key words (5 – 7) in an article language (use 12-point, 1.5-spacing).
For article in economic sciences, an author should place JEL Classification below “Key words” (no more than 5 codes on one line. For example: JEL Classіfіcatіon: I23, M21). For more details, see:;
– an article text;
– references;
– an extended abstract of an article (2000-3000 characters, including spaces) in Ukrainian (14-point, 1.5-spacing);
The extended abstract must comply the following requirements: informative (does not contain general words); originality (to be written in authentic English); content (display the main content of the article and research results); structuring (to follow the logic of submitting of the material in the article); compactness. The abstract should briefly describe the author’s results and conclusions, and not the general situation on the problem. Keywords should be as specific as possible, general terminology should be avoided.
Foreign authors send information about an author, article title, and extended abstract in English. Translation into Ukrainian is provided by the editor.
Appendix 2. A-sample-of-an-extended-abstract-for-an-article
Appendix 3. A-sample-of-article-formatting
The scientific article structure:
– formulation of a problem in general and its relation to important scientific and practical issues;
– analysis of recent research and publications, which have initiated solution of this problem and have formed the ground for author’s examinations; indication of parts of a general problem, which have not been solved before;
– formulation of an article purpose;
– presentation of the main body of a paper of research together with full substantiation of obtained scientific results;
– conclusions for the research and prospects of further development within this research scope.
The references are provided at the end of the article. A reference list consists of all sources cited in the text of a paper, listed alphabetically by author’s surname (12-point), which should be in compliance with the international bibliographic standard APA:
All statistics, citations should refer to sources. Links to newspapers, textbooks, tutorials should be avoided. The editorial board recommends referring to articles from scientific collections with global citation indices (Scopus, Web of Science).
The bibliographic description of the sources is transliterated if the source language is Ukrainian. If the cited edition includes table of content in English, the author should indicate the source in English in square brackets. After the bibliographical description in square brackets, the language of the article in the original is displayed. For example: [in Ukrainian].
The names of periodical Ukrainian editions (journals, collections and conference materials) are made in transliteration, and in English. For example: Economichna Teoriia ta Pravo – Economic Theory and Law.
The bibliographic description of the sources is not transliterated if the source language is English.
Interaction between the editorial office and authors
An article manuscript is submitted for double blind peer-review to the members of the Editorial Board and experts in a respective area of expertise. The Editorial Board makes a final decision on publication.
It is eligible for rejection of materials, returning them for revision, reduction, and editing. The editorial office does not consider and register manuscripts, which do not conform to the mentioned requirements. In such a case, the editors return materials to authors for revision.
A point of view of the Editorial Board can differ from the one of authors of an article.
The author (authors) of the articles is responsible for the correctness and reliability of the provided information, the authenticity of the authorship, the accuracy of the presented facts (data) and the quality of translation of citations from foreign-language sources (if they are available).
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