About collection of scientific papers “Economic Theory and Law”

ISSN 2522-4018 (Online)

Key title: Ekonomìčna teorìâ ta pravo (Online)

Abbreviated key title: Ekon. teor. pravo (Online)

Parallel title: Economic theory and law

Parallel title: Èkonomičeskaâ teoriâ i pravo

ISSN  2411-5584 (Print)

The collection of scientific papers was founded in 2010.

The certificate of the state registration: КВ № 21210-11010 ПР of 16.02.2015.

FounderYaroslav Mudryi National Law University

PublisherYaroslav  Mudryi National Law University

Subjects of collection: economic theory; economic theory of law; economic analysis of law; theoretical and practical issues of jurisprudence.

Frequency: 4 issues per year.

Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English (mixed languages).

The collection of scientific papers is included in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, category “B”, in which the results of dissertation papers can be published for gaining scientific degrees of the doctor and candidate of sciences in economic and legal sciences (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated May 7, 2019, No. 612).

Electronic archive repository of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University. –  http://dspace.nlu.edu.ua

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