
, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Trade Entrepreneurship, Kharkiv
, holder of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education, Ukraine, Kharkiv

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2024 - №3 (58)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. The possibilities and effectiveness of investment support for modern business processes and the development of enterprises depend on the investment potential of business, which actualizes the study of its essence, structure, sources and directions of optimization.
Recent research and publication analysis. Modern studies of investment potential reveal its components such as resource and management potentials, as well as the attractiveness potential of investment objects for investors. The analysis of investment potential should be based on systemic and structural-functional approaches, which will allow to justify its essence and role in extended social reproduction.
Paper objective. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence, structure and role of the investment potential of enterprises in ensuring socio-economic and technological transformations of business.
Paper main body. The article, based on the conceptual model of the investment potential of the enterprise developed by the author, its essence, structure, types and characteristics are revealed. Resource and effective investment potentials, potentials of investment activity and investment development are analyzed, their relationship and interdependence as components of investment potential are revealed. The structural element of the resource investment potential is the potential of the enterprise’s investment attractiveness, the function of which is the formation of a positive attitude of investors towards participation in its investment projects is substantiated. The potential of the enterprise’s organizational capacity as the opportunity and ability of the investment management to attract and effectively use investment resources to achieve the goals of investment activity and investment development is revealed.
The main types of investment potential of the enterprise according to various criteria for their determination are characterized: depending on the goals of formation and use – strategic and operational; according to the environment of investment activity – external and internal investment potentials. According to the stages of the investment cycle, the potentials of the pre-investment, investment and operational stages are determined.
Conclusion of the research. The main characteristics of the investment potential are substantiated: systemic, polystructural, synergy, manageability, dynamism and development. The investment potential is a subsystem of the economic potential of the enterprise and provides a positive synergistic effect of the realization of resources and opportunities of its structural elements in the business processes of economic activity is proved.
The investment potential of the enterprise is a system-forming factor in the formation, implementation and development of the investment potential of industries, inter-industry complexes, regions, economic sectors and the national economy as a whole is proved.
Short аbstract for an article
Abstract. The article the essence and main structural elements of the enterprise’s investment potential are revealed, the potential of investment activity and investment development are characterized. The types of investment potential are determined: external and internal, strategic and operational, staged. The main characteristics of the investment potential are substantiated: systemic, polystructural, synergy, manageability, dynamism and development. The role of the investment potential of enterprises in ensuring socioeconomic development and modern technological transformations of the national economy is revealed.


investment potential of the enterprise, potentials of investment activity and investment development, investment resources, resource and effective investment
potentials, organizational capacity of the enterprise, external and internal, strategic and operational, staged investment potentials.


External reviewer

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