Author |
Tertyshna L. S, PhD. Student, Pushkins'ka, 77, Kharkiv |
In heading |
Law; | ||||
Signed print |
08.09.2017 | Issues number |
2017 - № 3 (30) | Page |
145-158 |
Type of articles |
Scientific article | Code UDK |
346.22 | ISSN print |
2411-5584 |
Abstract |
Problem setting. Achievement of priority goals and tasks set for the state regional policy is carried out through economic and legal means. There is a need to define the list of economic and legal means of implementation of state regional policy; to identify the sources that contain such funds; to provide a classification of economic and legal means. Recent research and publications analysis. Economic and legal means of influence on economic relations are a constant object of research in scientific works of D. V. Zadykhailo, V. O. Usatyi, V. A. Yusupov, Yu. Ye. Atamanova, V. I. Kukhar, Ye. V. Cherepovskyi. However, the question of economic and legal means of implementation of state regional policy has not been investigated. Paper objective. The purpose of the article is to study all economic and legal means by which the regulation of the state regional policy is carried out, as well as the provision of classification and systematization of such funds. Paper main body. Not all means of state regulation provided by the current legislation of Ukraine relate to the state regional policy and accordingly regulate it. That is why it is advisable to identify those tools that promote introduction and effective implementation of this policy. Such a toolkit must be systematized within the framework of the relevant legislation, including the Law of Ukraine “About the Principles of State Regional Policy”. The law should determine the subject composition of the study and introduction means of implementation the state regional policy. Each means must be adapted to the specific tasks and nature of the state regional policy. Conclusions of the research. On the basis of the above possible to infer: 1. Economic and legal means of implementation of state regional policy are not isolated in a separate group. Fixation in various regulatory legal acts of certain organizational and legal means heightens the lack of legislative systematization. There is a need for its classification, systematization and consolidation. 2. The absence of a list of economic and legal means, and the corresponding powers of state authorities also means the absence of a definite legal mechanism for the implementation of the state regional policy in regime legitimacy. 3. The development of such tools, their adaptation into a single functional mechanism and the implementation of Ukrainian legislation is the highest priority that should be addressed by the state’s legislative policy and legal science. 4. The list of the main means of state influence on economic activity is determined by Article 12 of the Economic Code of Ukraine. However, along with the main economic and legal means, the legislation of Ukraine also provides special means. 5. Public-private partnership, special economic regimes and others special economic and legal means should identify as the main instrumental components of the implementation of the state regional policy. Short Abstract for an article Abstract. The article is devoted to the comprehensive study of economic and legal means by which the effective functioning of the state regional policy is ensured. It is determined that, along with the main means of regulation, which are enshrined in the Commercial Code of Ukraine, there are special means which are contained in other normativelegal acts. The author established that the action of all these economic and legal means aims to regulate the single object – the state regional policy, but their classification, systematization and consolidation are not fixed at the legislative level. |
Keywords |
State regional policy, economic policy, economic and legal means, state orders, public-private partnership. | ||||
Reviewer |
External reviewer |
Article in PDF |
3 145-158 | ||||
Bibliography |
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