
, associate professor, Kharkiv, Pletnovsky 5

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2024 - 2 (57)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Risks are an essential feature of entrepreneurship in the conditions of uncertainty, contradiction and variability of the business environment, which generate real threats of loss of assets, income, solvency, competitive advantages, reputation, etc. by enterprises. Therefore, business insurance protection is an objectively necessary direction for ensuring economic security at all stages of its life cycle.
Recent research and publication analysis. Business insurance protection is the object of scientific research in the field of insurance and economic security of enterprises. Ukrainian researchers of the insurance sector of the modern economy analyze the role of insurance protection in ensuring economic security at its national, regional, and industry levels, but its microeconomic level remains without the attention of scientists. As for research into theoretical and applied aspects of economic security of enterprises, business insurance protection has not yet been identified by scientists as a special subject of research.
Paper objective. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the place and role of business insurance protection in the system of economic security of enterprises and to reveal its forms, types and measures on this basis.
Paper main body. Business insurance protection, which is provided in the process of insuring business entities, is focused on the formation, accumulation and use of resources and funds necessary to prevent, overcome and compensate for possible destructive consequences of risks for enterprises.
Interrelated forms of business insurance protection are:
– self-insurance (internal insurance);
– external insurance – use of services of insurance companies and other entity of the insurance market.
The differences between these forms of business insurance protection are that selfinsurance is characterized by the enterprise accepting risks, and external insurance is characterized by the transmission (transfer) of risks.
An effective model of business insurance protection is a combination of internal and external insurance.
Conclusion of the research. 1. By carrying out self-insurance, using the services of insurance market entities, the enterprise creates and implements business protection opportunities in economic activity, which is a condition for its efficiency and competitiveness in the long term.
2. Self-insurance is a form of business insurance protection, which involves the enterprise accepting the risks of economic activity by creating its own insurance funds and reserves, the use of which ensures the protection of business processes from the risks of their interruption.
3. External insurance as a business security tool is focused on protecting the enterprise from insurance risks and is characterized by the fact that the business entity insuring the risk transfers it to the insurer for a certain fee. External insurance provides business protection in such forms as insurance of property risks, business liability to third parties, professional liability, business interruption risks, cyber risks, staff of enterprises.
4. Business insurance protection in the system of economic security of an enterprise is a component of its subsystems which ensures the achievement of the necessary level of security of economic activity – technical and technological, personnel, financial, interface, property, information, cyber security, etc.
Short Abstract for an article
Abstract. The place and role of business insurance protection in the system of economic security of an enterprise is substantiated in the article, and its forms: self-insurance and external insurance are characterized. The main directions of business insurance protection in the context of subsystems of the company’s economic security system are revealed. It has been proven that business insurance protection is a component and effective tool for the economic security of an enterprise.


business insurance protection, economic security of an enterprise, selfinsurance, external insurance, technical and technological, personnel, financial, interface
security, cyber security, risky business insurance, staff insurance of enterprise.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

Economic Theory and Law, 2024-2-40-54


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