
, associate professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading


Signed print


Issues number

2017 - № 3 (30)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. The document “Transforming our world: sustainable development for the period up to 2030” was adopted in the the General Assembly. The unification of the economic and environmental objectives of the state, international organizations and business entities will be the vector of the international policy of the member states. The mission of the economic state policy is the principle “it is economically beneficial that it is environmentally safe”.
Recent research and publication analysis. Research in the field of alternative energy is usually carried out in economic and technical aspects. S. A. Svirkov, A. P. Vershynin, S. D. Bilotskyi discuss energy issues in legal science. But the area of law reform of renewable energy remains under-researched.
Paper objective. The article objective is to analyze the concept of energy security of country, its components and the place of renewable energy in the environmental friendliness of energy production in the context of sustainable development.
Paper main body. Energy security is denoted by two terms, namely “energy security” and “security of energy supply”. Energy security of the country consists of the next parts: energy conservation and energy efficiency, diversification of energy resources. The status of integration into the energy space (synchronization with the energy networks of the EU ENTSO-G and ENTSO-E) also affects energy security.
State policy renewable energy can be defined as the state’s activity regarding the definition of priority tasks of accelerated development of renewable energy, the terms of their implementation, means of management and stimulation, regulation of relations between the state, producers and consumers of energy.
The modern legislative and normative framework should be the basis for an effective implementation of the state’s energy policy in this area. Firstly, it is necessary to develop and implement an investment and innovation policy. Secondly, regulatory documents on the integration of renewable energy sources to power grid of Ukraine and integration into the EU grid need to develop. Thirdly, need to create competitive conditions on the market of renewable sources for their production and distribution. Fourth, it’s need to create a single mechanism for stimulating renewable energy.
Conclusion of the research. It is imperative the legislative development in renewable energy, first of all, revision, or adoption of the new Law “On Renewable Energy Sources”. The law should regulate the following issues: attachment, transmission, distribution of energy; competitive mechanism for establishing and changing the “green” tariff for various types of renewable sources; voltage equalization circuit; obligations of participants in the energy market; guarantees of investor rights; administrative procedures for creating new and functioning actors.
Short Аbstract for an article
Abstract. The concept of energy security of the country, its components, and the place of renewable energy in ensuring the environmental sustainability of production in conditions of sustainable development is analyzed in the article. The author focuses on the need to improve the legal regulation in this area and proposes concrete changes to the existing legislation.


Energy security, renewable energy, renewable energy sources, state regulation of renewable energy.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

3 85-95


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