
, associate professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2020 - № 4 (43)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK

339.138; 005.952.2

ISSN print



Problem setting. The development of the theory and practice of HR marketing in Ukraine faces a number of problems. There is a need to indicate basic peculiarities of the economic system stipulating the domestic specificity of HR marketing and creating obstacles for its improvement. This process underpins an opportunity for developing a complex of measures being necessary for solving problems concerned with the development of HR
marketing. Analysis of recent research and publications. In Ukraine, problems of HR marketing are studied by numerous scientists, particularly А. Babenko, A. Тelnov, S. Reshmidilova, K. Pryakhina, S. Yaromich, N. Antonenkova, O. Beketova, O. Vartanova, Y. Kostynets, S. Kovalchuk, О. Bogoyavlensky, L. Semenova, O. Kryvoruchko, O. Gladka, O. Sardak, O. Getman, A. Tsybulko, T. Len’, L. Bazaliieva, D. Gryshchenko, etc. It is important to fill a gap in the research such as basic problems and conditions of development of HR marketing in Ukraine.
Objective of the paper. The objective of the paper is to disclose basic problems of HR marketing in Ukraine and to offer a complex of measures being necessary for creating the beneficial conditions for development of HR marketing.
Main findings. To understand the essence of problems of HR marketing in Ukraine and peculiarities of its development, it is necessary to take notice of the following phenomena: the absence of conditions for the free market exchange; underdevelopment of economic competition in general; imperfectness of competition in the labour market; underdevelopment of the theory and practice of HR marketing. The primary reasons for the aforementioned problems are as follows: the entrenchment of traditions of the unformal interaction between business entities and the government; development of discretionary regulation of the economy; legislative and organizational
preconditions for the abuse of authority and irresponsibility of politicians and public officials endorsed over the past decades; absence of efficient anti-corruption institutions. To create system frameworks for forming HR marketing in Ukraine being able to absorb the best experience of developed countries, there is a necessity to: restrict government
regulation of the economy at the appropriate minimum level; reduce opportunities of applying the discretionary authority; improve administration of the public sector of the economy; enhance transparency of public procurements; proceed development of anticorruption institutions; foster development of the labour market and its infrastructure;
improve government regulation of social and labour relations; create conditions for engaging the direct foreign investments (to import foreign methods and principles for HR management); it is important to increase the social security for the temporary unemployed in the long run.
Conclusions. To develop the theory and practice of HR marketing in Ukraine, there is a need to create conditions for market competition, which will enable this direction of marketing to be demanded by organizations.
Short abstract for an article
Abstract. The author has disclosed basic peculiarities of the economic system stipulating the specificity of HR marketing in Ukraine. The article reveals obstacles for development of efficient HR marketing being able to absorb the best experience of countries with the developed market economy. The author has offered the complex of measures being essential for creating conducive conditions for development of HR marketing.


marketing, HR marketing, reforms in Ukraine, market transformation, rent-seeking, tackling corruption.


External reviewer

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