
, associate professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2020 - № 4 (43)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. The VUCA contemporary business environment requires organizations to adhere principles of flexibility and adaptiveness. This actualizes the research of the content and technologies of the organizational development (OD).
Analysis of recent research and publications. Problems of the OD are considered in numerous scientific papers. It is worth mentioning papers of І. Adizes, L. Greiner, J. Kotter, and A. Prigozhin.
Objective of the paper. The objective of the paper is to specify the content and tendencies of development of the OD conception in the context of the VUCA conditions and to reveal the potential of its system implementation.
Main findings. Organizational development (OD) is planned, managed, and evolutionary transformations of formed business systems for enhancing / maintaining the organizational efficiency. Organizational transformations of companies under the VUCA are permanent. Organizational flexibility is an ability of a business system to constantly
«self-configure» according to changes of the environment at the minimum managerial influence.
Scientists indicate structural (the organizational structure, business processes) and social (the organizational culture, employees) components of the OD. The OD conception is an alternative of reengineering. A methodological approach to managing the OD of business organizations under the VUCA is strategic; the VISION is a reference point for
drawing up programs and projects. A system of interventions planned in a specific sequence creates the OD program. The OD management model emphasizes the priority of a change in «mental models» of employees, forming their vision, and understanding the content of changes by employees. The compliance of the organizational structure with the OD aims is a compulsory precondition of success. Models for managing the VUCA-risks correspond to the context of the OD conception. However, the OD technologies require adaptations, taking into account contemporary changes in the business environment. With regard to key directions of changes, the OD trends in the context of the VUCA requirements may be divided into: flexible structures;
networks of dynamic teams; new requirements for competencies; ecosystem platform thinking and «live systems»; startup culture (the VUCA culture innovations). Technologies of the Agile-transformations integrate provisions of approaches such as the Lean start-up, Scrum, design thinking, and digital solutions on optimizing business processes.
Holacracy (self-organized teams) is the flexible structure, which enables to operatively perceive market signals, to frequently reveal and eliminate «stress points» and selforganizes; integrates the maximum number of the VUCA-trends. The successive implementation demands the formation of the VUCA organizational culture at a company
aimed at adaptive innovative behaviour. Implementing values of such culture, there is a need to take into consideration contradictions («paired» values) of the culture of innovations. Conclusions. The OD is a way for ensuring properties of an organization such as flexibility and adaptiveness for competition within a dynamic environment. There are the transformation of the OD conception according to the VUCA requirements and the formation of new managerial technologies and tools.
Short abstract for an article
Abstract. The author has formulated a problem of redefinition of the organizational development conception under the VUCA business environment. The author has specified the essence of organizational development (ОD), its components, principles, purposes. The article discloses the content of the strategic approach to managing organizational changes.
The article has demonstrated the adherence of the models for managing the VUCA risks to the OD conception. The author has determined contemporary trends and managerial technologies in the context of the VUCA requirements by the OD directions. The author has analysed a mechanism for functioning of holacracy as the organizational design, which maximally integrates all the trends. The author has indicated conditions for forming the VUCA culture of an organization.


organizational development, VUCA environment, flexibility, adaptiveness, organizational design, holacracy, culture of innovations, digitalization.


External reviewer

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