Author |
Ivanova H. S., PhD (Law Sciences), doctoral candidate of the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activities, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77 |
In heading |
Law; | ||||
Signed print |
20.09.2019 | Issues number |
2019 - № 3 (38) | Page |
115-140 |
Type of articles |
Scientific article | Code UDK |
342.922:338.436 | ISSN print |
2411-5584 |
Abstract |
Problem setting. Recognizing the fact that the indicators of production and export of products in Ukraine are not competitive in comparison with other highly developed countries, and the agrarian policy of the state is far removed from the European one, there is an urgent need to address certain issues of the functioning of the agroindustrial complex of Ukraine. In view of this, it is expedient to analyze the existing system of informational and legal support of the agroindustrial complex of Ukraine in order to identify its main disadvantages and possible ways of solving existing problems in this area. Recent research and publications analysis. Despite the fact that the actual problems of the agroindustrial complex attracted the attention of a large number of scientists, the issue of information and legal support of this sphere has not been investigated at an adequate level, therefore, further work in this direction is very relevant. Such scientists as Furmanchyk E., Kostylova N., Serebryakova T., Zheleznyak A., Lapin A., Shtyfanich R., Moroz S., Fedirets O. etc. are really worth mentioning for in-depth analysis of the problems and perspectives of the development of the agroindustrial complex, the definition of its essence and role in the economy of the country, its administrative and legal regulation, as well as the main ways of improving the norms of legislation in this field. Paper objective. Based on the analysis of the current legislation regulating the information component of the agroindustrial complex and taking into account the specifics of the socio-economic development of Ukraine, the purpose of research is to identify and find out the causes of the existing shortcomings in the information and legal regulation of the agrarian complex, to submit proposals for their elimination and, accordingly, to improve the efficiency of the functioning of the agroindustrial complex of Ukraine as a whole. Paper main body. Due to the fact that the current legislation does not define the information and legal provision of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine, it would be advisable to consolidate such a category of legislation, which, in our opinion, should be understood, the use of information and communication technologies and computer resources, databases and data banks that form a system of stable and well-functioning software that functions for the purpose of obtaining, processing, storing and disseminating information for continuous and sustainable public administration in all fields and agriculture of Ukraine for efficient agricultural production and its competitiveness. Another problem encountered in the study of the information and legal provision of the agroindustrial complex is the abstract definition of the concept of information in the normative base and its unsystematic chaotic nature. One of the directions of the solution of this problem is the distribution of such information to the corresponding logically combined directions, in particular: innovative technologies in the field of animal husbandry; modernization of innovative technologies in plant growing; social development of the village (co-operation, taxation, insurance, lending); innovations in processing industries of agroindustrial complex; nanotechnology in the agroindustrial complex. Conclusions of the research. In the course of the study, the authors come to the conclusion that it is expedient to introduce certain constructive mechanisms for solving existing problems in the field of functioning and activities of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine. One of these areas is to improve the information and legal support of the agroindustrial complex, namely: introduction of a well-established system of information exchange and electronic reporting to actors managing agroindustry complex, which will contain comprehensive and reliable information on the activities of enterprises in the agrarian sector; improvement of the structure of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy; updating databases in the field of agroindustrial complex of Ukraine as the main elements of information and legal support and financing, in the context of state provision of agricultural enterprises by information technologies, etc. Short Abstract for an article Abstract. The article deals with the information and legal support of the agricultural sector of Ukraine. The legal acts regulating this area are analyzed, as well as scientific works on this issue. The author provides own proposals on the possibility of improving the information and legal support of the agroindustrial complex of Ukraine and unique definition of this category |
Keywords |
information and legal support, agroindustrial complex of Ukraine (AIC of Ukraine), information technologies, computer software, geo-information systems. | ||||
Reviewer |
External reviewer |
Article in PDF |
115-140 | ||||
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Code DOI |
10.31359/2411-5584-2019-38-3-115 |
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