
, professor, Kyiv, Kyoto, 19

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2019 - № 3 (38)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. The emergence of new technologies and mobile automated high-tech industries leads to radical changes in the economic systems of developed countries and has a significant impact on the formation and implementation of human capital. The use of these technologies in industry opens up new opportunities for economic growth, social integration, environmental and technological safety. In this context, the research issues of
the development of high-tech production in the implementation of modernization reforms and integration processes in Ukraine are especially relevant.
Recent research and publications analysis. Ukraine should embark on a path of revival, namely the introduction of new technologies and the intellectualization of the economy. This is constantly reflected in state-level strategic documents and will ensure economic growth and competitiveness and increase the well-being, and quality of life of the population. This topic is constantly in the center of attention of domestic scientists. However, in the context of recent events caused by the change of government in the country, and therefore by the uncertainty of both the priorities of industrial production and the fate of industry in general, this strategically important topic again needs scientific clarification and substantiation of current trends.
Paper objective. The purpose of this article is to analyze condition and problems of sector development of the high-tech production of Ukraine’s industry and to determine the influence of factors that stipulate the peculiarities and nature of these processes, and to develop and substantiate promising proposals for the realization of digital modernization of high-tech industries as a strategic direction of socio-economic development of the state
and key factor of increasing the competitiveness of the national economy.
Paper main body. The status of states in the world economic system is largely determined by the ability to produce high-tech products based on the introduction of the latest research and development results. Industry plays a key role in the creation and dissemination of the latest technologies. Practice shows that industrial policy issues in economically successful states are directly related to innovative issues, so it is not possible to separate innovation and industrial policy at all.
The analysis showed that the Ukrainian economy has long been focused on the production of traditional industrial products with low gross value added, which is sold in unpromising markets. Mechanisms of state regulation of the economy do not stimulate creation and development of high-tech industries in the country. The dynamics of the share of the volume of industrial products sold by types of activities related to the high-tech
sector of industry in Ukraine is almost unchanged and is characterized by extremely low rates. An essential factor holding back the process of high-tech production in Ukraine is the low level of funding for research and development. There are a lot of reasons that hinder the realization of the role of technological factor of increasing the competitiveness of the Ukrainian industry. Among them are: the lack of demand for innovation, because economic policy does not generate the active interest of the vast majority of business entities in the results of scientific development or they are unable to make effective use of innovative development; lack of development institutes that ensure the functioning of the innovation-type economy in all its components; a small number of highly skilled specialists capable of working in high-tech industries and others.
It is projected that Ukraine can be at least a regional leader in the field of complex and high-tech engineering services, in particular: programming in the field of industrial hightech / creation of new software products, including new technologies 4.0; designing (electrical, mechanical, electronic, technological, construction, etc.); industrial automation and integrated engineering (including commissioning of industrial facilities); development and production of complex, low-volume or unique products. Industry 4.0 for the domestic market can be a catalyst for the growth of the industry, and the military-industrial complex.
Conclusions of the research. Studies have shown that Ukraine has the potential for accelerated development of the high-tech industry sector, which will not only strengthen the country’s position in the global market for high-tech products, but also ensure the competitiveness of traditional sectors of the national economy based on their innovative development and introduction of advanced technologies.
The government is encouraged to complement the digital transformation agenda by implementing an effective, high-tech, sector-specific, economic development strategy to enable the state to become one of the leaders of modern industrial production and prepare for the technological breakthrough. This requires the development of a mechanism for the active involvement of all stakeholders in the transition to digital transformation of the
industry and the ongoing coordination of this process at national, regional and sectoral levels. Further research will be directed to develop such a mechanism.
Short Abstract for an article
Аbstract. The article analyzes condition and problems of sector development of the high-tech production of Ukraine’s industry and determines the influence of factors that stipulate this process. Prospects for digital modernization of high-tech industries as a strategic direction of socio-economic development of the country and a key driver of enhancing the competitiveness of the national economy are substantiated. Proposals for modernization of mechanisms of state management of industry have been elaborated.


high-tech production, industry, new technologies, innovation, digitalization.


External reviewer

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