
, PhD (Law Sciences), Associate Professor, Ukraine, Kharkiv, Pushkinskaya str., 77.

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Signed print


Issues number

2019 - № 3 (38)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Legal analysis of the list and classification of financial transactions of international banks also raises questions about the legal status of these agreements, theoretical and practical problems that characterize the legal nature of these transactions, the ratio of international public and private law.
Paper objective.The legal analysis of the activity of international banking institutions, and the interaction of the two legal systems in the international banking sphere.
The central place in providing the institutional mechanism for the functioning of the modern international banking system is undoubtedly owned by two interrelated international economic organizations: the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The main types of agreements concluded by the IBRD are credit agreements and guarantee agreements.The IBRD concludes these agreements
with the states. By their nature these agreements are international legal agreements, the procedure for concluding them meets the general requirements of international treaties. The credit agreements concluded by the IBRD with legal entities are covered by the State guarantee of the Member State in which the borrower is located, and the State acts as the guarantor of the implementation of this agreement. The process of concluding, enforcing,
and securing these agreements is governed simultaneously by the public and international private law. The expansion of the directions of activity of the IBRD raised the issue of simplifying the process of lending to legal entities and individuals, without the application of state guarantees, the implementation of which was assigned to the IFC. For fulfilling this objective in practice, the IFC establishes its own representative offices on their
territories by virtue of contracts with Member States. These representative offices, according to their status, are international legal entities. Their activity on the territory of the Member State is governed by the private international law.
Credit agreements between the EBRD and Ukraine are by their nature international legal agreements. They are public in nature, the procedure for concluding such agreements meets the general requirements of international treaties. In pursuit of its private business lending function, the EBRD applies the IFC practice and establishes its own permanent representative offices in the Member States.
Conclusions of the research. The modern international banking law regulates the public-legal part of international financial relations, promotes the broad unification of the rules of the international banking law, and within the framework of such regulation influences the domestic legal regimes of states.
Short Abstract for an article
Abstract. The article is focused on the legal analysis of activity international bank establishment The terms of conclusion of credit and guarantee agreements international bank have been investigated. Legal nature of agreements of international banks have been analysed Forms and facilities of their providing are presented in the article.


international bank law, international private law, MBRR, EBRD, credit and guarantee agreements of international banks.


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