
, professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2015 - № 1 (20)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. The current model of health care in Ukraine is not justified either socially or economically. For many years it has not been correlated with constitutional requirements. It has been developed mostly on informal basis, contrary to government decisions. Reforming healthcare is a prerequisite of the country survival, overcoming the demographic crisis, support the labor potential and well-being, reforms in other industries.
Recent research and publications analysis. Until recently public health issues were considered in the context of traditional national economic development. Farewell to the remnants of the command system, the geopolitical choice of Ukraine, globalization of the world economy have shown that health care reform is impossible even in relative isolation from the international environment. This indicates a mandatory study of global trends and identifying opportunities for Ukraine in promoting international medical and recreational
Paper objective. The article was aimed to identify the main areas of health care reform in foreign countries and their possible use in Ukraine.
Paper main body. Reforming healthcare provides a choice of one of many models of the world. Canadian experience is interesting to Ukraine, indicating a good combination of financial and economic freedom of regions, mandatory health insurance and common national policy and standards of treatment and medical education. The experience of the United Kingdom shows that an increase in budget funding is quite possible by significant changes in the structure of public spending. The conditions for reducing health care costs are also pharmaceutical market liberalization (e.g. Germany) and increase of its competitiveness. An alternative model involves formalization of paid medicine through privatization of medical institutions and public-health insurance. But it contains a large opportunity costs, they all are the limitations of private medicine and are incompatible with the constitutional principle of equal access to public health. The reform involves changing the approaches to Ukrainian health care, the choice of strategy of forming international mobility of medical services and development of its own niche in the global market. For example, Singapore has made biotechnology and medicine the main target of public and private investments and formed the most effective health care system. Rapid growth of medical tourism is observed in Malaysia.
Conclusions of the research. Health care reforms in Ukraine will have a positive result if national advantages and traditions are complemented by effective use of the best foreign developments. Transformation of health care from backward formation tp a competitive global market segment of health services, attracting patients from other countries, as well as development of recreational areas and rehabilitation tourism are necessary.


Health care, decentralization, efficiency, competitiveness.


L. S. Shevchenko, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

External reviewer

Article in PDF

№ 1 38-50



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