
, Ph.D. in Economics, associate Professor of the Economic Theory and International Economics Department, Kharkiv, Pletnovsky 5
, Ph.D. in Economics, associate Professor of the Personnel Management and Labor Economics Department, Kharkiv, Moskovskiyi 75

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2018 - № 1 (32)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. In today’s conditions, one of the factors of economic growth in Ukraine is the effective use of labor resources, overcoming of disproportions in the labor market.
Recent research and publications analysis. Problems of state regulation and effective functioning of the labor market in Ukraine were investigated: A. Achkasova, E. Libanova, V. Petyuch, D. Bogin V. Vasilchenko, V. Minenko, A. Kolot, others. However, the impact of the labor market balance on economic growth in the country is insufficiently studied.
Paper objective. The aim of the study is to analyze the balance of the labor market, in particular its vocational qualification, regional, age segments in Ukraine, and to develop proposals to overcome the identified imbalances.
Paper main body. It is substantiated that the balance of the labor market is a factor of economic growth. An analysis of the imbalance between demand and supply of labor, which manifests itself in professional qualification, branch, territorial, and demographic imbalances. Proposed directions for their reduction due to state forecasting of the labor market taking into account the types of economic activity and professional qualification characteristics of workers; state support of problem regions, improvement of forms and methods of employment and youth wages.
Conclusions of the research. The labor market in Ukraine is characterized by disproportions across all major segments. To eliminate them, there is a need for wellgrounded state regulation regarding the forecasting of the demand for real business and the provision of suitable labor supply for it in all regions of the country, improvement of the forms of employment and the systems of remuneration for youth.
Short Abstract for an article
Аbstract. The relevance of the topic is revealed, the goal is formulated – an analysis of the labor market balance in Ukraine and the development of proposals to overcome the identified imbalances. For 2016–2017 the analysis of: demand and supply of manpower by types of economic activity, by professional groups; unemployment by type of economic activity, occupation, level of education, age and load on vacant positions in the country and its regions. Com-parison of unemployment and wages in Ukraine and some EU countries is made. The conclusions are drawn: the existence of an imbalance of the labor market in all these segments. Proposed ways to overcome imbalances. The main imbalances in the labor market, their impact on economic growth in Ukraine and ways to overcome them are identified.


economic growth, employment, unemployment, the labor market, imbalance in the labor market.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

1 38-48


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