
, professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading

Economic analysis of law;

Signed print


Issues number

2018 - № 1 (32)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Purposeful formation of competition between providers of primary health services and a new model of their financing includes a number of risks that need to be analyzed.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Scientists of Ukraine have been discussing for a long time the necessity and ways of increasing the financing of health care in general. However, the structural reorganization of the industry in favor of primary medicine requires an assessment of the financing risks that accompany the reforms.
Paper objective is analysis of optimistic, pessimistic and most probable forecast of medical reform in Ukraine and its financial risks.
The main material presentation. The optimistic forecast is based on the creation of the internal market of primary health services. The agents of money fund received under the contract from the National Health Service are the heads of outpatient institution or family doctors. The patients receive free services; the family doctor receives an increase in remuneration for his work. The pessimistic forecast is due to the excess of demand for doctors and medical managers over supply, the great risks of the sharp reducing of the current funding system, the inertia of the behavior of medical workers and patients prone to paternalism, the production of new schemes of the informal economy, and the imperfection of state statistics.
The most likely forecast foresees the optimal risks, given the gradual reformation, increasing public expenditures on health care, local government support, development of managers market, competition of doctors for patients, giving them the status of individual entrepreneur, contracting 0n-line, simplifying the system of licenses for commercial and professional practice.
Conclusions. The ideal development of the primary health market is only a theoretical model. It works if other conditions are equal and can only be a guide of reform in practice. In reality it is necessary to search the of ways to prevent high risks in order to increase the effectiveness of health care.
Short Abstract for an article
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the optimistic, pessimistic and the most probable forecast of the first stage of the medical reform in Ukraine and its financial risks. The author justifies the conditions and offers measures that help to minimize the risks of forming a market of public primary health services.


health market, family doctor, financing, manager.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

1 113-123


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