Author |
Lagutin V. D., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economic Theory and Competition Policy, Kyiv, Kyoto, 19 |
In heading |
Economic theory; | ||||
Signed print |
26.02.2018 | Issues number |
2018 - № 1 (32) | Page |
23-37 |
Type of articles |
Scientific article | Code UDK |
330.341:330.837 | ISSN print |
2411-5584 |
Abstract |
Problem setting. The content of this article is determined by several circumstances. Firstly, by the unsatisfactory state of the socio-economic sphere of Ukrainian society for a long time. Secondly, by the fact that the main challenge of socio-economic development is the systematic inability of the existing institutional system to ensure social stability in Ukraine. Among the many new problems of modern economic theory, the problem of the institutional nature of stability and development of society is significant. Analysis of recent research and publications. Many works of both foreign and domestic economists are devoted to the study of institutional factors of social development. In the article, first of all, scientific developments concerning the quality of institutions in the context of their influence on political and economic stability, the interconnection of institutional changes and stability, the evolutionary and interdisciplinary nature of institutional economic science, the theory of institutional and structural innovations as an instrument for ensuring macroeconomic stability and development, etc., are used. However, the scientific literature does not investigate enough the institutional character of the stability of social development, there is no more or less clear institutional understanding of the essence of stability. Paper objective is illustrating interdisciplinary approaches to the analysis of the essence and nature of social stability in Ukraine in the context of institutional transformations. The main material presentation. Stability implies the sustainability of institutional ties in society, the availability of the necessary institutions with which actors of the system should work, as well as the goals, incentives, costs and feedback that are the motive for economic behavior. Stable society is a dynamic state of society, in which there is a balance between the interests of social groups and members of society, the correspondence and consistency between economic, social and moral (spiritual) spheres. Balance in three dimensions – economic, social and spiritual-humanitarian (value, ethical) – is a characteristic sign of social stability. The institutional nature of social stability is determined by the existing level of socio-economic development, the national institutional structure and the values of this society. The higher the level of social stability, the more morality and justice is in this society. Accordingly, it can be assumed that the stability of society is a combination of at least social justice, morality and economic feasibility. The institutional mechanisms for ensuring social stability presuppose the unity of the three institutionalized forms of economic activity (the methods of circulation) – the market (traditional spheres of production, exchange, consumption, and market distribution), redistribution (connected, first of all, with state activity), and reciprocity (which does not fit into the classical economic areas of exchange, distribution and redistribution). An institutional basis for public stability is the balance between state and civil society. Civil society can be regarded as such a community of people, where the optimal balance of all spheres of social life has been achieved, that is, where the interconnection and interaction of the economic, political, social and spiritual provide stability and development of society, its progressive movement forward to higher forms of organization. In today’s society, civil society is increasingly becoming post-industrial and informational and networking. The economy of civil society acts as a material precondition for the stability and development of society as a whole. The basis of the civil society economy is cooperation (co-operation) between citizens. Conclusions. Stability in society is a trend of general civilization development, which is directly and straightforwardly related to the quality of institutions. Institutional analysis can be effectively applied to build economic mechanisms for ensuring social stability. Due to institutional changes in Ukraine, it is necessary to form the values of a new civil society: self-affirmation of a person, material well-being, high social status of a person of labor, opportunities for its general education and professional growth, etc. Ensuring stability and development of society can only be carried out to the extent and at the speed that can allow existing endogenous and exogenous conditions and restrictions. The condition of social stability is a real socio-economic and spiritual and humanitarian institutionalization, since institutes best regulate and coordinate different interests, reduce risk, uncertainty and uncertainty, and allow to optimize relations between all economic actors of society. Short Abstract for an article Abstract. The article analyzes the essence of social stability in the context of the institutional approach. The necessity of ensuring stability in the society from the standpoint of market triangle, redistribution and reciprocity is substantiated. The institutional structure of civil society in the economic, social and ethical-spiritual aspects is considered. It is proved that systemic reform of institutions is one of the most important factors in the transition from stability to the development of society. |
Keywords |
stability, development, institutions, institutionalization, values, civil society. | ||||
Reviewer |
External reviewer |
Article in PDF |
1 23-37 | ||||
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Code DOI |
10.31359/2411-5584-2018-32-1-23 |
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