
, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Competition Policy, Ukraine, Kyiv

In heading

Scientific discussions and reviews;

Signed print


Issues number

2023-№2 (53)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Profound transformations determine the vectors of development of the world economy in the twenty-first century. Globalization is influencing changes in the entire spectrum of socio-economic relations. The landscape of the global economy is changing. At the same time, networked information and communication technologies are being widely used, the scale of the digital format is growing, and the possibilities for using digital technologies are expanding. The environment in which economic relations, as well as many management tools, are developing on the basis of digital technologies and information and communication systems is gradually being institutionalized, which lays the foundation for the digitalization of social development.
Recent research and publication analysis. The problems of analyzing a wide range of scientific issues related to the identification and disclosure of vectors of transformation processes in the economy in the context of globalization, modification of competition in the digital dimension, the need to take into account these realities in the implementation of the state competition policy are the subject of works by many Ukrainian and foreign scholars. At the same time, the research vector related to a deep theoretical, methodological and conceptual rethinking of a wide range of issues of economic transformation in the dimension of digitalization of global development is becoming more relevant.
The purpose of the article is to highlight the problems of transformation processes in the globally competitive dimension in the context of digitalization of social development.
Paper main body. On May 18, 2023, the State University of Trade and Economics held an All-Ukrainian round table «Digital Trends in Economic Transformation in the Context of Global Competition». The purpose of the round table was to discuss the digital dimension of economic transformation in the context of global competition. The main focus of the roundtable was the discussion of a number of thematic areas.
Conclusion of the research. The active discussion of the roundtable issues made it possible to systematize a number of research tasks. The digitalization of the economy is a process that determines the vectors of development of profound transformational changes in the world economy. The introduction of digital technologies is carried out at a tremendous speed, which is due to the ability to collect, use and analyze huge amounts of information.
Short abstract for an article
Abstract. The article analyzes the conceptual foundations of transformation processes in the context of global competition. The vectors of development of the global competitive environment in the context of digitalization are revealed. The theoretical foundations and practical aspects of the formation and development of the sharing economy are considered. Global trends in competitive development in the context of economic instability are identified. The directions of intensification of the development of sectoral markets under martial law and post-war modernization of Ukraine are proposed.


transformation processes, global competition, digitalization.


External reviewer

Article in PDF



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Code DOI‑5584‑2023‑53‑2-75
