
, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Economic Theory, Macro- and Microeconomics, Faculty of Economics, Kyiv

In heading

Scientific discussions and reviews;

Signed print


Issues number

2023-№2 (53)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. The socio-economic realities of the modern world are characterized by global, national, regional and local transformations, which are contradictory and multi-vector, actualizes the role of fundamental economic science in their theoretical analysis, generalization and systematization. This is a necessary condition for the formation of the methodological base of the modern educational process and indicates the growing role of economic theory as a scientific basis for development, improving the quality and innovations of higher economic education, and training specialists in political science, sociology, law and other social sciences.
Recent research and publication analysis. The methodological function of economic theory is recognized representatives of science and economic practice as the direction of its systemic influence on the development of social sciences, economic systems, economic policy of the state, law, state-legal regulation of the economy, international economic relations, etc. However, the methodological role of economic theory in the training of specialists by a higher school whose professional knowledge and skills meet today’s requirements and challenges has not yet received an adequate level of disclosure.
Paper objective. The purpose of the article is to determine the content and directions of implementation of the methodological function of economic theory in the educational process, to characterize its place and role in the training of specialists for professional activities in the field of socio-economic relations based on the analysis of theoretical, methodological and applied provisions revealed in the textbook «Economic Theory», prepared by leading teachers of the Department of Economic Theory and Competition Policy of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics.
Paper main body. In the system of higher education, the methodological function of economic theory is characterized by the focus of teaching this fundamental science on the formation of future specialists in the field of social relations – economic, social, political, legal, systemic knowledge about the current model of the economy, which is constantly being transformed, and the social economic practice of micro- and macro levels, its factors, directions and perspectives. The complex implementation of the methodological function is inherent in the textbook «Economic Theory» that consists of two parts – microeconomics and macroeconomics, each of which discloses both the theoretical provisions of microand macroeconomic analysis, and the fundamental categories of economics (political economy), such as: economic system, property, market, economic needs and interests, money, competition, monopoly, economic role of the state, etc.
Conclusion of the research. The methodological component of the fundamental economic training of specialists in modern conditions is characterized by a complex of scientific and methodological approaches, including: epistemological, historical, system-analytical, innovative, applied, methodical.
The combination of these approaches into an integral system of higher economic education provides a positive synergistic effect in the formation of a scientific economic outlook, systematic theoretical knowledge, practical skills and economic culture of modern specialists from different fields of socio-economic life of society.
The conducted analysis allows us to conclude that the textbook «Economic Theory» is a complete scientific and methodological work that reveals modern concepts and approaches of economic science and ensures the implementation of the methodological function of economic theory in the educational process.
Short abstract for an article
Abstract. The article reveals the role of directions for the implementation of the methodological function of economic theory in improving the training by higher schools of specialists from various fields of socio-economic social practice capable of effective professional activity in the conditions of today’s requirements, challenges and threats. Based on the analysis of the content of the textbook «Economic Theory», the approaches to the disclosure of the methodological component of microeconomics and macroeconomics are substantiated: epistemological, historical, system-analytical, innovative, applied, methodical. It is proved that the combination of these approaches provides synergy in the implementation of the methodological role of economic theory in the modern educational process.


economic theory, modern social transformations, educational process, methodological function of economic theory, main approaches to determining the methodological function of microeconomics and macroeconomics in the modern educational process.


External reviewer

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Code DOI‑5584‑2023‑53‑2-66
