
, associate professor, Ukraine, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading

Scientific discussions and reviews;

Signed print


Issues number

2023-№2 (53)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. On March 31, 2023, the Department of Economic Theory of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University held a regional scientific and practical conference of young scientists «Economics, entrepreneurship and economic education in the conditions of modern challenges» online, in which not only students and scientists of the Faculty of Private Law participated and entrepreneurship of University, as well as Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics and O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv.
Recent research and publication analysis. The question of the functioning of the economy in wartime is relevant and can be traced in numerous studies. Thus, A. Hrytsenko and O. Hrytsenko (2022) emphasize the relevance of the medium-term goals of ensuring sustainable development and the long-term process of forming a new information and network economy in the context of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine’s economy. Marchenko (2022), Marchenko and Yarmak (2023) focused on the institutional security of the enterprise and its preservation as a complete economic system and institutional form of entrepreneurship.
The enterprise and its readiness for the future as a competitive advantage in current conditions, the issue of disruptive competition, and management consulting are the subjects of a study by Shevchenko (2022; 2023), Shevchenko and Nesterenko (2023). Piskunov (2022) analyzes the changes in the taxation regime during the war. It is a painful issue for business structures, especially small and medium ones. We should also not forget about the existence of crime in the country. Its economic basis and social costs of punishing criminals are investigated by Ivashchenko (2022).
Hrytsenko, Nechyporuk, Zelenska and Svyridenkov (2022) focused their attention on the threats faced by Ukrainian agribusiness and the problems of financial and food security that arose in connection with military actions. Marchenko, Shevchenko, Mynko and Nesterenko (2022) summarized the prospects for effective functioning of domestic enterprises in the current legal environment.
Paper objective is to summarize and analyze the main directions of scientific research of young economist scientists, key problems actualized in their research.
Paper main body. It is obvious that students studying during the war are most interested in the further development of both post-war Ukraine and the drastic changes taking place in the global economy now. These changes affected all global markets, configurations of the main players of the world economy, the formation of a new global cycle, which worries young people both from a scientific point of view and from the perspective of future professional activity.
The increased interest of student youth in the process of business operation is explained by the fact that it ensures an increase in production, growth in employment, development of new technologies and innovations, increase in competitiveness and attraction of investments. Successful business ideas and entrepreneurship drive economic growth, which leads to improved living standards and societal well-being. But the war in Ukraine is accompanied by serious economic problems for business. First of all, it is a decrease in the demand for goods and services, the instability of the exchange rate, the inefficiency of customs policy and transportation, and an unfavourable investment climate.
Conclusion. A lot of attention was paid by the participants to the actual problems that arose in the economy of Ukraine in connection with the military actions. In general, the conference showed the great potential of students studying in the «Business-Economics» educational program and, despite all the difficulties of the wartime, showed the ability of the students of education for active scientific research.
Short abstract for an article
Abstract. The article summarizes and analyzes the main range of issues related to the modern economy of Ukraine in the conditions of the war and the future post-war recovery, which are highlighted in the scientific research of students and presented at the regional scientific and practical conference of young scientists «Economics, entrepreneurship and economic education in the conditions of modern challenges» (March 31, 2023, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University).


business economy, wartime economy, global economy, enterprise, competition, conference.


External reviewer

Article in PDF



1. Borysenko, I. V. (2022). Biznes, osvita, konsaltynh: dyskusiini pytannia v doslidzhenniakh molodykh naukovtsiv [Business, education, consulting: debatable issues in the research of young scientists]. Ekonomichna teoriia ta pravo – Economic Theory and Law, 4(51), 76–91.‑5584‑2022‑51‑4‑76 [in Ukrainian].
2. Hrytsenko, A. A., & Hrytsenko, O. A. (2022). Economic contradictions of globalization and localization under the hybrid war and post-war reconstruction. Ekonomichna teoriia ta pravo – Economic Theory and Law, 3(50), 9–24.‑5584‑2022‑50‑3‑9
3. Marchenko, O. S. (2022). Instytutsiina bezpeka pidpryiemstva ta yii zabezpechennia v umovakh voiennoho chasu [Enterprise’s institutional security and its ensuring in wartime conditions]. Ekonomichna teoriia ta pravo – Economic Theory and Law, 3(50), 86–105.‑5584‑2022‑50‑3‑86 [in Ukrainian].
4. Marchenko, O. S., & Yarmak, O. V. (2023). Tekhnikotekhnolohichni ta naukovi chynnyky transformatsii upravlinskoho konsaltynhu [Technical, technological and scientific factors of management consulting transformations]. Ekonomichna teoriia ta pravo – Economic Theory and Law, 1(52), 52–68. [in Ukrainian].
5. Shevchenko, L. S. (2022). Hotovnist do maibutnoho yak konkurentna perevaha kompanii [Future readiness as a company’s competitive advantage]. Ekonomichna teoriia ta pravo – Economic Theory and Law, 3(50), 124–137.‑5584‑2022‑50‑3‑124 [in Ukrainian].
6. Shevchenko, L. S. (2023). Pidryvna konkurentsiia: zahrozy chy novi mozhlyvosti biznesu? [Disruptive competition: Threats or new business opportunities?]. Ekonomichna teoriia ta pravo – Economic Theory and Law, 1(52), 30–51. [in Ukrainian].
7. Shevchenko, L. S., & Nesterenko, I. V. (2023). Upravlinskyi konsaltynh v umovakh zakonodavchykh ta informatsiinykh obmezhen [Management consulting in conditions of legislative and informational restrictions]. Ekonomichna teoriia ta pravo – Economic Theory and Law, 1(52), 69–86. [in Ukrainian].
8. Piskunov, R. O. (2022). Osoblyvosti opodatkuvannya FOP v Ukrayini pid chas voennogo stanu: konsaltyngovyi pidhid [Peculiarities of individual entrepreneurs taxation in Ukraine during martial law: A consulting approach] (Marchenko O. S. (Ed.), Biznes-konsaltynh u novykh realiiakh hospodarskoi diialnosti v Ukraini. Kruhlyi stil u redaktsii zbirnyka naukovykh prats «Ekonomichna teoriia ta pravo», 2 chervnia 2022
roku [Business consulting in new realities of economic activity in Ukraine. Round-table discussion at the editorial office of the collection ofscientific papers «Economic Theory and Law», 02 June 2022]). Ekonomichna teoriia ta pravo – Economic Theory and Law, 2(49), 145–147.‑5584‑2022‑49‑2‑112 [in Ukrainian].
9. Ivashchenko, M. V. (2022). Ekonomichne pidgruntia zlochynnosti ta suspilni vytraty na pokarannia zlochyntsiv [The economic background of crime and the social costs of criminal punishment]. Ekonomichna teoriia ta pravo – Economic Theory and Law, 3(50), 106–123.‑5584‑2022‑50‑3‑106 [in Ukrainian].
10. Hrytsenko, O. A., Nechyporuk, L. V., Zelenska, K. S., & Svyrydenkov, K. P. (2022). Novitni napriamy biznes-konsaltynhu [The newest directions of business consulting]. Ekonomichna teoriia ta pravo – Economic Theory and Law, 4(51), 20–43.‑5584‑2022‑51‑4‑20 [in Ukrainian].
11. Marchenko, O. S., Shevchenko, L. S., Mynko, N. A., & Nesterenko, I. V. (2022). Pidpryiemstvo u pravovomu seredovyshchi: aktualni problem efektyvnoho funktsionuvannia [Enterprise in a legal environment: actual problems of effective functioning]. Ekonomichna teoriia ta pravo – Economic Theory and Law, 4(51), 44–68.‑5584‑2022‑51‑4‑44 [in Ukrainian].

Code DOI‑5584‑2023‑53‑2-85
