Author |
Yarmak O. V., associate professor, Kharkiv, Pletnovsky 5 |
In heading |
Economic theory; | ||||
Signed print |
24.09.2021 | Issues number |
2021-№3 (46) | Page |
39-56 |
Type of articles |
Scientific article | Code UDK |
330.131.5:005.942:334.7 | ISSN print |
2411-5584 |
Abstract |
Drawing on the system approach, the authors have indicated an object and subject of economic security consultancy, its comprehensive essence, and directions. The authors have determined and characterized the main types of economic security consultancy, applying criteria such as the enterprise structure, economic activity and potential of an enterprise, a life cycle, economic security system of an enterprise, and objectives of security management. The article discloses a servicing complex in economic security consultancy, which includes complex and bundled, operational and strategic, preventive, functional, anti-crisis, reproductive, and modernization consulting services. | ||||
Keywords |
Enterprise as an economic system, economic security of an enterprise, economic security system of an enterprise, enterprise security management, economic security consultancy, object and subject of economic security consultancy, complex of services in economic security consultancy. | ||||
Reviewer |
External reviewer |
Article in PDF |
39-56 | ||||
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Code DOI |
10.31359/2411‑5584‑2021‑46‑3‑39 |
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