
, associate professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading

Economic theory; Law;

Signed print


Issues number

2020 - № 3 (42)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. At the beginning of the 21st century, the science of criminal law continues to actively search for the fundamental basis to determine types of social relations being subject to the criminal law. Hence, contemporary tendencies of the development of jurisprudence require deepening the perception of the essence of functions of the criminal law as the basis for enhancing its notion, the content of an object of legal regulation, and, as a result, amending a list of social relations, which forms it. The protective function of the criminal law is of great importance within the context of the above-mentioned facts. It is embodied in a criminal policy of a government and influences the efficiency of combating crime and accomplishing goals of the criminal law.
Recent research and publication analysis. Numerous scientists have examined the issue on goals of the criminal law and its functions. Among them are Yu. V. Baulin, N. V. Genrih, N. F. Kuznietsova, O. V. Naden, M. I. Panov, A. A. Piontkovskyi, V. Ya. Tatsii, M. D. Sharhorodskyi, V. D. Filimonov, et al. However, a majority of scientific papers have inconsiderably researched issues regarding analysing the essence of the protective function of the criminal law and its interrelation with goals of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (CCU) enshrined in Part 1 of Article 1 of the CCU. Nevertheless, these issues assume significant importance for revamping the criminal law, which is currently occurring in our country.
Paper objective. The objective of this publication consists in analysing the essence of the protective function of the criminal law and methods of its influence on solving goals of the criminal law, applying thorough theoretical tools.
Paper main body. The interrelation between the state and person in the form of rights and obligations is a pivotal feature of the criminal law, which requires establishing the social interaction (social relations) between the aforementioned subjects within corresponding relations and is able to express their essence. There is a need to differ, firstly, relations, which induce the state to assume obligations to provide protection, and, secondly, relations, which entitle the state to undertake corresponding measures of the criminal coercion.
Precautions against (prevention of) crimes as a component (element) of the protective function of the criminal law may be considered, at least, at three levels. The first level of precautions is oriented towards overcoming the deficit of the social and positive (respect for the law) lawfulness as the main reasons of criminal violations. The second level of prevention is undertaken by law enforcement bodies and is related to deterrents against committing an offence enshrined in the legislation. The third level of precautions contemplates legal measures applied to a perpetrator in the process of the implementation of the criminal responsibility.
Indicating the essence of the protective function of the criminal law, lawyers should take into account the following assertions.
1. Objects of the criminal legal protection are safeguarded when they have been already trespassed, i.e. they are infringed, and require further measures of the state coercion. The nature of the state coercion is concerned with applying the CCU at the moment or after committing an offence.
2. Safeguarding objects of the criminal legal protection also occurs under the existence of a potential threat, namely in case of creating a real possibility of the infliction of the significant damage.
Conclusion of the research. Analysing the scientific literature and provisions of the current Criminal Code of Ukraine regarding the essence of the protective function of the criminal law has enabled to ascertain the following facts.
1. The protective function is deliberately the main one for the criminal law. It enables to connect a person, society, and government between each other in addressing an issue of the existence and development of the most important social relations.
2. The essence of the protective function is rather comprehensive. It comprises three components.
Firstly, it implies the protection of the most important social relations from criminal violations. The legal protection consists in an obligation of the government to react to committing an offence by a perpetrator (to punish him or her). Simultaneously, objects of the criminal legal protection are safeguarded when they are trespassed, as well as in case of a potential threat, i.e. if there is a real possibility of the infliction of the significant damage.
Secondly, precautions against (prevention of) crimes are integral part of the protective function. From the standpoint of this component, precautions are expressed in the form of imposing a punishment on persons, who have committed offences (special prevention) and measures regarding the avoidance of the trespass on social relations protected by the law on the part of other persons (general prevention).
The renewal of social relations violated (disrupted) in committing an offence and revival of social justice in the sphere of the rule of law are the third important component of the protective functions.
Short Abstract for an article
Abstract. Having examined contemporary juridical literature, the authors analyse the content of major doctrinal conceptions regarding determining the functional orientation of the criminal law, as well as consider the protective and regulatory functions of the criminal law. The authors have proven that the protective and regulatory functions together imply the essence and content of a mechanism of the criminal legal regulation. The authors have disclosed that the regulatory function primarily accomplishes tactic goals while the protective one ensures the normal existence of social relations and fosters their development. It is embodied in the criminal policy, i.e. activities of governmental agencies in fighting against crime and achieving goals of the criminal law.
The authors have ascertained that, from the standpoint of its essence, the protective function of the criminal law is more comprehensive than its contemporary definition in literature. This function consists of three elements: a) safeguarding social relations, which are protected by the law, from offences; b) precautions against (prevention of) committing crimes and c) renewal of social relations violated (disrupted) in committing an offence. Each of these elements aims at attaining own result in performing the protective function.


protective function of the criminal law, regulatory function of criminal law, goals of criminal law, social relations, general prevention, special prevention.


External reviewer

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3 117-136


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