
, Ph.D. in Legal Sciences, Assistant of the Criminal Law Department No. 2, Ukraine, Kharkiv

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Issues number

2020 - № 3 (42)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. The comprehensive development of a personality is possible only in a society where the rule of law prevails, everyone adheres to legislative requirements, and there are no persons being above the law due to social status, political status, financial situation, etc. The elimination of avoidance of the criminal liability by persons, who have committed an offence, is believed to be one of obligations assumed by each member of a society.
Recent research and publication analysis. A number of scientists have researched an issue of the welfare conditionality of the criminal liability for the unpromised concealment of an offence. They have considerably contributed to the development of theoretical matters regarding certain aspects of the involvement in an offence in general and the covering up of an offence.
Paper objective. The objective of this scientific paper is to substantiate the expediency of the criminal liability for the unpromised concealment of an offence, the social danger of which consists in the obstruction of the pre-trial investigation or the detection and criminal prosecution of persons convicted of offences.
Paper main body. To substantiate establishing the criminal liability for the unpromised concealment of an offence, the author proposes to characterize the following groups of factors: socio-psychological, criminological, and normative. Socio-psychological factors determine the extent of social legal awareness, social psychology, historical traditions, and
tendencies of the development of criminal legislation concerning the liability for the unpromised concealment of an offence. The existence of penal prohibition is an effective measure for enhancing the extent of legal awareness of Ukrainian citizens and an essential measure for regulating their lawful behaviour towards the formation of the civic engagement with regard to the zero tolerance for any expression of deviant behaviour, perceiving a fact of the necessity for facilitating activities of law enforcement bodies, and the conscious avoidance of creating impediments to the above-mentioned bodies in fulfilling their obligations. Categories such as the nature and degree are used to characterize the social danger. The nature of social danger is stipulated by the orientation of an offence against one or
another object, i.e. it is its qualitative property depending on the importance and significance of an object within a system of social relations and the nature of inflicted or possible damage. The degree of social danger is a qualitative feature, which manifests itself in an amount of inflicted damage, in a method of trespass, the nature and degree of guilt, motives, and other objective and subjective features. The normative factor shows the enshrinement of
the existence of penal prohibition of the unpromised concealment of an offence in provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine and other legislative acts.
Conclusion of the research. The social factors, which stipulate the expediency of criminalization within the system of penal prohibition, significantly influence the criminalizationof unpromised concealment of an offence. The aforementioned criminal infringement obstructs the quick, full, and comprehensive investigation of offences and the
criminal prosecution of persons convicted of offences. This infringement also impedes efficient activities of law enforcement bodies, facilitates the decrease of confidence of a population in the legal system, makes it impossible or complicates the protection of victim’s rights.
Short Abstract for an article
Abstract. The article is dedicated to examining an issue of the welfare conditionality of establishing the criminal liability for the unpromised concealment of an offence. The author has indicated socio-psychological, criminological, and normative factors of the welfare conditionality. This has enables to make a conclusion about the expediency of criminal liability for the unpromised concealment of an offence because its social danger manifests itself in counteracting the quick, full, and comprehensive pre-trial investigation, the timely detection and criminal prosecution of persons convicted of offences. The aforementioned factors foster the decrease of leagl protection of citizens, the appearance of thesense of impunity, and impede the timely compensation of a property damage and moral injury inflicted by an offence.


welfare conditionality, welfare conditionality of criminal liability, criminal liability, concealment of offence, social danger.


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