Author |
Fedulova L. I., professor, Kyiv, Kyoto, 19 Marchenko O. S., professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77 |
In heading |
Economic theory; | ||||
Signed print |
22.02.2019 | Issues number |
2019 - № 1 (36) | Page |
57-72 |
Type of articles |
Scientific article | Code UDK |
330.101:316.334.2–028.45 | ISSN print |
2411-5584 |
Abstract |
Problem setting. A policy for implementing a set of reforms of the Ukrainian authorities towards European integration, taking into account global trends and tendencies of development of internal political and economic processes, stipulates building a network of analytical units and actualizes goals regarding strengthening an influence of the analytical environment on producing strategic directions and priorities of socio-economic development of the country. Recent research and publications analysis. Foreign scientists take notice of rapid development and functioning of analytical organizations as the basis of the expert environment, as well as their importance for a society and national economy. Domestic scientists consider problematics of activities of «think thanks» mainly within the context of ensuring making decisions in the public administration sector. Paper objective. The article’s objective is to substantiate the role of the analytical environment in political and economic processes, as well as to reveal peculiarities of forming and functioning of analytical centers in Ukraine. Paper main body. The global experience shows that the analytical environment presents itself as an influential institution whereas expert and analytical organizations are called «think thanks» or «think factories». Rendering consulting services usually in the field of political production and estimation of possible socio-economic implications of political decisions are the main directions of their activity. The authors determine that there is a dynamical process related to the increase of the number of analytical centers in Ukraine stipulated by a need for expert and analytical research in the present democratic political and managerial process. To cope with competition, analytical centers have to publicly disclose information on their outcomes – a majority of analytical and expert consulting centers are managed by public and famous expert. They periodically collaborate with mass media, presenting and defending their point of view. Collaboration of non-government analytical centers with international organizations is the most important mechanisms of impact undertaken by such centers. Hence, a process of forming a domestic network of analytical centers and developing the expert and analytical environment strengthens at the regional level. Maintaining this process by amalgamated territorial communities created owing to decentralization of public authorities is especially important. Developed business models should not contradict a primary mission of analytical centers – to do quality and influential research enabling to foster the formation of an economic policy. Conclusions of the research. The done research shows that the existence of a developed network of «think thanks» and «think factories» as basic elements of a national expert and analytical community is the most important indicator of efficiency of managerial decisions in particular and the country in general. Analytical centers will be able to find own niche if government and commercial customers of their services understand peculiarities of centers’ contribution to intellectual capital of the nation. This affects establishing relations with clients, partners, and sponsors. Such results depend on sustainable evolving of interrelations between the state, business, society, and expert community. The main abstract of the article Abstract. The article discloses the essence and peculiarities of the expert and analytical environment within a socio-economic system of the national economy. The authors have substantiated the role of analytical centers in political and economic processes. The authors have revealed and described distinctions and tendencies of forming and functioning of analytical centers in Ukraine. The authors have developed propositions regarding strengthening activities of analytical centers in socio-economic and integration processes of the country. |
Keywords |
expert and analytical environment, analytical centers, sources of funding, expert and analytical activity. | ||||
Reviewer |
External reviewer |
Article in PDF |
57-72 | ||||
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Code DOI |
10.31359/2411-5584-2019-36-1-57 |
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