
, associate professor, Kharkiv, Marshal Bazhanov, 17

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2019 - № 1 (36)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK

332.146 (477):330.322

ISSN print



Problem setting. The key to the stable economic development of the region is the realization of an effective investment policy on its territory. The development of investment processes in a particular region is largely determined by the state of its investment potential, the success of which has a positive impact on macroeconomic stability and economic development of the country.
Recent research and publication analysis. Problems of estimation of modern investment processes, state support for the formation and realization of investment potential were investigated in works by V. Geitsa, V. Sdrenyk, O. Koltunovich, G. Shamot and others. They determine the essence of investment potential and methodological provision for its evaluation as a stock of available investment resources. D. Leytne, T. Smokova and other foreign scientists and experts of Eurostat apply a cost-effective approach to assessing the level of investment of enterprises.
Paper objective. Despite the large number and high scientific and theoretical level of publications, a comprehensive approach to the study of investment conditions in the region is required in order to systematically evaluate the investment potential of the regional level, bringing it into an orderly system of interconnections
Paper main body. The achievement of the tasks is based on the integration of the efforts of the state and the business sector of the economy, accelerating the introduction of modern investment and financial mechanisms for attracting non-state and foreign capital into the field of science and technology.
Investment policy involves management of investment parameters of economic development, one of which is the investment potential.
Investment potential is a set of factors in production and capital applications available in the region. It takes into account the main macroeconomic characteristics, the saturation of the territory by factors of production (natural resources, labor, fixed assets, infrastructure, etc.), consumer demand and other indicators. In assessing the investment potential, it is also necessary to take into account many other factors, including infrastructure development of the territory, and the innovation potential, and intellectual potential of the population, and its resource component.
The investment attractiveness of the region is determined directly by the investment image, the dynamics of the region’s economic development and investment risk. All factors can also be classified by the following features: the availability of investment resources, the objectivity of factors, the degree of variability.
Conclusion of the research. Ukrainian economy still has high investment potential, but rather modest starting positions, investment attractiveness of the country remains at a low level. In order to achieve high investment attractiveness, as well as to maintain a high image of the country on the international scene, it is necessary to conduct a series of consistent and well-considered measures by the state and the government. It is necessary to develop and adhere to the whole complex of these factors, to concentrate efforts on the implementation of all the competitive advantages of the regions of Ukraine.
Short Abstract for an article
Abstract. The article considers regional peculiarities of the formation and realization of the investment potential of the Ukrainian economy. The main factors that have the greatest impact on the advantages of investors and the components of investment risks are highlighted. The problem and deterrent factors of this process are analyzed. The directions of formation of the investment policy of the state, both the concrete region and the economy in general, are substantiated.


investment potential of the region, regional factors of investment activity, investment risks, investment policy.


External reviewer

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