
, professor, Kyiv, Kyoto, 19

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2018 - № 2 (33)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Nowadays, a technological imperative of socio-economic development is of particular importance. Economists pay especial attention to this imperative because of a new technological «leap» and acceleration of the next scientific and technological revolution.
Recent research and publications analysis. During the past few years, contemporary socio-economic systems exist in unity of technological, production and institutional aspects under increasing intensification of processes of integration and convergence, as well as implementation of principles of self-development. Ukrainian researchers thoroughly consider peculiarities and implications of results of the fourth industrial revolution. However, research of global technological trends and challenges stipulated by these implications are away from the spotlight.
Paper objective. The article aims at indication of the sense of key global megatrends of world development and trends of technological development stipulated by the results of the fourth industrial revolution. In addition, the author intends to estimate institutional opportunities and the potential of Ukraine towards following the world trends and to propose steps in order to respond current challenges related to expansion of the new phase of economic and technological paradigm.
Paper main body. Nowadays, international expert organizations draw especial attention to neo-industrialization, digitalization and emergence of mobile automatized hightechnology production as global megatrends. All this factors lead to significant changes affecting formation of economies of developed countries and form challenges for developing countries.
The most important and influential trend contemplates formation of the new paradigm of scientific and technological development (the new techno-economic paradigm) related to the launch of the new industrial revolution: formation, convergence and penetration into all spheres of information and communication technologies, artificial intelligence, robotics and biotechnologies; large-scale practical application of materials with new properties, the next generation of electronics, new sources of energy, ways of storage and transmission of energy.
The author determins that, despite existence of the considerable intellectual potential, there has been no effective technological policy over the entire period of independence of Ukraine. Corresponding statistical research confirms that a level of technological development of the Ukrainian economy is low. Implementation of the global technological trends and search for appropriate responds to the challenges caused by these trends will enable to enhance competitiveness of particular sectors of the Ukrainian economy, to make development of the digital economy the main strategical goal of the authority, to significantly influence labor market development, to cause emergence of new industries and to seriously trigger development of innovative entrepreneurship.
Conclusions of the research. Activity of high-technology clusters should be oriented towards expansion of technical and technological opportunities of its members and enhancement of competitiveness. Comprehensive support of human capital, formation of modern information and technological infrastructure should become an imperative of the scientific and technological policy.
The main Аbstract of the article
Аbstract. The article considers the sense of global megatrends of social development and characterizes the main technological trends and challenges countries deal with. The author has indicated and substantiated strengthening the role of international technology transfer and analyzed dynamics of the technological balance of leading countries. The author has examined the state and opportunities of technological development of Ukraine in the context of following the determined trends and developed propositions regarding the increase of effectiveness of the scientific and technological policy.


trends, technological development, technology transfer, scientific and technological policy.


External reviewer

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