Author |
Ukrainska L. O., professor, Kharkiv, Lenina, 9 a |
In heading |
Economic theory; | ||||
Signed print |
22.05.2018 | Issues number |
2018 - № 2 (33) | Page |
42-50 |
Type of articles |
Scientific article | Code UDK |
331.101.264.2:005.35 | ISSN print |
2411-5584 |
Abstract |
Problem setting: Qualitative changes in the nature and content of labor in the corporate sector of the economy, the peculiarities of the functioning of the labor force as a human capital, require further studies of the category «human capital», primarily in terms of complicating the structure and changing the ratio of components. Recent research and publication analysis. Modern features of the formation of human capital corporations are studied by Ukrainian and foreign scientists, but the emergence of new aspects, caused by the activation of intellectual and creative abilities of man, requires further study of the problem. Paper objective. The purpose of the article is to characterize the modern components of the formation and motivations of building up the human capital of the corporation. Paper main body. The development of social production essentially changes the qualitative characteristics of the factors of production. The labor force is filled with fundamentally new components and acquires the character of human capital. The basis for changes in the nature of labor is the development of property relations, the increase in the scale of production, as a result of the strengthening of the social nature of labor, and substantial qualitative changes in the technological level of production put forward tougher requirements for the content of labor. The realization of human capital in production is accompanied by its accumulation and is characterized by a permanent increase in profitability both for the carrier and for the enterprise. Increasing human capital is a costly process, therefore, in market conditions, the issues of validity of the implementation of relevant investments and the development of criteria for the feasibility of investing in human capital are relevant. The motivation for investing in human capital is a capital-factorizing factor. Intellectualization of production complicates the requirements for professional and personal qualities of employees, which complicates the structure and changes the proportion of internal and external motivators. There is a close relationship between motivation and needs, in this case both at the level of the employee and at the level of the employer, of course, from the point of view of the structure of the needs of each subject of these relations. Conclusion of the research. The development of social production is accompanied by an increase in spending on the formation of a qualitatively new labor force, which changes its content orientation and structure. The decision on the appropriateness of such investments is significantly influenced by the recognition of their productive nature. Important in this sense is the solution of questions about the sources of financing and distribution of investors, both on behalf of the state and on the part of business entities / individual corporations in the areas of ensuring conditions for the preservation and development of human capital. And the latter, as the corporate culture develops, not only finances the professional improvement of the workforce of their employees, but also increasingly participates in the formation of so-called social packages that are attached to wages and provide a range of activities for medical care, health care, recreation, improvement of living conditions, etc. Short Abstract for an article Abstract. The features of the formation of human capital are adequate to the changes in the content and character of human activity, as well as to the modern requirements of the technological basis of the postindustrial society. The point of view on the correlation of the categories «human capital» and «labor» is presented, some questions of the formation of a system of motivations for increasing the human capital of an individual are explored. |
Keywords |
human capital, labor, investment in human capital, motivation to increase human capital. | ||||
Reviewer |
External reviewer |
Article in PDF |
2 42-50 | ||||
Bibliography |
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Code DOI |
10.31359/2411-5584-2018-33-2-42 |
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