
, professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2024 - 1 (56)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. In the modern period research of the potential of socially responsible business as a factor of sustainable social development is being updated, which is due to the following interrelated reasons:
firstly, in the global aspect, it is the formation of a new business environment, the requirements, challenges and threats of which are factors in the transformation of business forms, processes and ecosystems, including models of its socially responsible behavior;
secondly, at the national level, the social responsibility of Ukrainian business in the conditions of war and the formation of a war economy has acquired a new meaning and new forms;
thirdly, at the microeconomic level, the social orientation of enterprises is characterized by new directions, methods and measures.
Modern transformations of the social responsibility of business determine the need to improve and optimize its potential, which requires systematic scientific analysis.
Recent research and publication analysis. In the modern period researchers of theoretical and applied aspects of the formation and implementation of the business potential of business entities, generally, focus on revealing its general characteristics as a complete system, structure, methods of evaluation, and optimization. A certain development is inherent in the study of such components of business potential as social and environmental potential, but, firstly, they did not receive a proper level of disclosure of their interrelationships and role in ensuring sustainable business development, which is characterized by the unity of its economic, social and environmental factors and results.
Secondly, the business potential as a whole and its components, in particular social and environmental potential, are not analyzed by researchers in the context of resource provision of socially responsible business. Thirdly, the potential of social responsibility of business is not defined as a special object of economic analysis in both its theoretical and applied directions.
Paper objective. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essential characteristics and poly-structural potential of the social responsibility of business based on systemic and structural-functional approaches.
Paper main body. The study of the potential of social responsibility of business is based on:
– concepts of social responsibility of business;
– a systematic approach to the analysis of business potential as a structured set of resources, opportunities and capabilities of the enterprise to achieve the goals of economic activity in the conditions of a changing business environment;
– the structural-functional approach to determining the interconnected components of business potential and the potential of social responsibility of business.
According to the spheres of activity of the enterprise, its functions can be combined into such groups as purely economic and socio-ecological functions, the implementation of which is ensured by the organizational and management function. Based on this, according to the functional approach, the complex components of the enterprise’s business potential are:
– the potential for implementation and development of the enterprise’s economic activity is its economic potential, which ensures the implementation of such business functions as production, sales, market, financial and investment, innovation, etc.;
– the potential for realization and development of the social function of business – social potential;
– the potential for implementation and development of the ecological function of business – ecological potential;
– organizational and management potential as a set of competencies of the enterprise as a business organization and its staff in terms of business process management.
Each component of the enterprise’s business potential has its structure, formation and optimization, like the business potential as a whole, is aimed at ensuring business resource synergy.
The potential for social responsibility of a business, on the one hand, depends on the level, scale, and effectiveness of realizing the potential of the enterprise in the economic process. On the other hand, it is a resource base for socially responsible use of the enterprise’s business potential, conducting socially responsible business.
Conclusion of the research. Socially responsible behavior of business entities is a factor in the sustainable development of business and society as a whole. Its scale and results depend on the potential of social responsibility of business, the conclusions of which reveals the situation:
1) the category “potential of social responsibility of business” is a scientific and methodical toolkit of theoretical and applied research on the essence, directions, modern trends of socially responsible business behavior, and transformations and directions for optimizing the business potential of socially active economic entities;
2) the potential of social responsibility of business is the potential of socially responsible business behavior in any sphere of business activity, the potential of performing all functions of the enterprise as a socio-economic system;
3) the potential of social responsibility of business is the potential of its sustainable development, which combines resources, harmonizes goals and ensures the results of the responsible attitude of business entities to the economic, social and environmental interests and demands of society;
4) components of the potential of social responsibility of business are:
– resource potential, the formation of which is a function of the economic, organizational and management potential of the enterprise as structural elements of its business potential;
– functional potential, which includes social and environmental potential and integrates all components of the enterprise’s business potential to achieve the goals of sustainable development;
5) the potential of social responsibility of business is polystructural, which determines the need to ensure the synergy of its components.
Short abstract for an article
Abstract. The article substantiates the scientific expediency and practical significance of determining the potential of social responsibility of business as a special object of economic analysis. The main characteristics of the potential of social responsibility of business, its structure, including resource and functional potentials, polystructure are disclosed. Social and environmental potentials as functional components of the potential of social responsibility of business are characterized.


social responsibility of business, socially responsible business, socially responsible behavior, business potential, potential of social responsibility, social and environmental potential, polystructure of the potential of social business responsibility


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