
, associate professor, Kharkiv, Pletnovsky 5

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2016 - № 2 (25)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Intellectual services pricing is affected by general factors (expanses, demand, and market competitiveness) as well as specific ones related to peculiarities of production, exchange, and usage of intangible goods.
Recent research and publications analysis. Modern scientific and applied literature analyzes different approaches to defining a price for intellectual services — cost (production), market, and value ones. Nevertheless, the mentioned approaches do not indicate network nature of intellectual services, which actualizes researches in this direction.
Paper objective. An article objective is substantiation of the value network approach to determination prices for intellectual services based on analysis of peculiarities of social movement of intellectual services as an intangible good under conditions of the knowledge economy.
Paper main body. Intellectual services should be considered as an investment resource. Consumption of this resource in production or innovative processes provides growth of the value and gaining profit. It is a reason for recognition of an investment effect as an important component of the intellectual services value. The investment effect is an efficiency of investments in purchasing intellectual services and implementation in the economic activity as investment resources of a business.
Branch networks, which function owing to the interaction between several services is an effective form of the interaction of organizations. These networks provide formation of the value of an external intellectual complex.
Conclusions of the research. Application of the value network approach to formation of a price for intellectual services provides the increase of their value and competitiveness, incomes and benefits for their producers and consumers.
Short Abstract for an article
Аbstract. The author has indicated the investment effect of intellectual services. The article proves that this effect should be taken into account in determination of their vale and price. The author has substantiated theoretical frameworks of the value network approach to determination of a price for intellectual services and developed a model of pricing based on the interaction of prices for several services.


Intellectual services, value and a price of intellectual services, investment effect, networks of intellectual services, value network approach to pricing, model of pricing based on the interaction of prices for several services.


External reviewer

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