
, PhD. Student, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

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Signed print


Issues number

2016 - № 2 (25)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. The communication services market is one of the most developed segments of our country’s economy. Existing diversity of postal communication services (the payment and delivery of social benefits, subscription and delivery of printed periodicals without proper tariff compensation) considerably decreases a degree of demand for common written correspondence. This tendency negatively affects the position of the national postal operator.
Recent research and publications analysis. Scientific papers of famous lawyers D. V. Zadykhailo, V. S. Milash, Yu. Ye. Atamanova, R. P. Boichuk, V. M. Pashkov are the scientific and theoretical basis of the research. Particular theoretical and practical aspects of the postal services market have been examined by V. V. Mazurenko, O. V. Ter-Stepanian, V. O. Neviadovskyi, and N. F. Lopatina.
Paper objective. An article purpose is to determine theoretical frameworks of legal regulation of the activity of the national postal operator in Ukraine.
Paper main body. According to the Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine «On Postal Service» (thereinafter — the Law), postal services are a product of the postal operator activity related to reception, processing, transportation, and delivery (handing) of postal items, execution of customer commissions regarding postal transfers, bank operations aimed at meeting needs of consumers.
Postal communication services in Ukraine is one of the main segments of the communication market controlled by the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization. «Ukrposhta» is one and a single state operator. It is an economic monopoly in the postal communication market.
Conclusions of the research. Legal characteristic of postal service market entities, which include the national operator and other economic entities operating in this market, enables to assert that the postal service hardly functions. It is acquired by a courier service. The conducted research indicates a need for development and acceptance of license requirements and governmental programs of the postal service market development, which will give an incentive for modernization of the considered market segment.
Short Abstract for an article
Аbstract. The postal communication is a comprehensive process encompassing automated equipment, staff, financial services, logistic transportation, a courier service of cargo delivery, and a postal service (one of forms of cargo transportation). Regardless of the scientific and technological progress and rapid development of modern technologies, a postal service remains a stable mean of communication being available for all humans.


Postal service, postal communication services, governmental control.


External reviewer

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