
, professor, Kharkiv, Otakara Yarosha, 8
, associate professor, Kharkiv, Otakar Yarosh, 8

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2016 - № 2 (25)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. A meaningful interrelation is inherent to economic categories of quality and competitiveness as properties of an object, a process, an activity, which provide a particular level of satisfaction of needs (productive, consumptive, social, etc.).Therefore, substantiation of theoretical frameworks of enhancement of the national economy competitiveness should be grounded on the analysis of its qualitative criteria and factors.
Recent research and publications analysis. Nowadays, scientists focus on the analysis of an influence of product quality on its competitiveness or consider the interrelation of quality and competitiveness on company level, overlooking its macroeconomic criteria and factors.
Paper objective. An article objective is to substantiate and to characterize qualitative criteria and factors of formation and implementation of competitive advantages of the national economy, using the methodological basis of conceptions of its competitiveness.
Paper main body. The sense of quality as an economic category encompasses its object, process, functional, relational, market, resultative, and institutional characteristics. On the one hand, these characteristics as a whole directly influence effectiveness of the human activity in different social spheres. On the other hand, they are a complex criterion of its competitiveness. Transformation of the role of quality as a competitiveness factor is inherent to evolution of conceptions of the national economy competitiveness. This
evolution consists in, firstly, emergence of new characteristics of quality and its accumulation and, secondly, the change of dominant characteristics of quality as a competitiveness factor.
Conclusions of the research. The modern conception, according to which institutional factors play the major role in providing competitiveness, defines the institutional characteristics of quality as a dominant criterion and a dominant factor of the national economy competitiveness.
Short Abstract for an article
Аbstract. The author has indicated the sense and the main characteristics of quality as an economic category. The author has substantiated the interrelation between quality and the national economy competitiveness. The article researches transformation of dominant characteristics of quality in accordance with changes of conceptual approaches to the national economy competitiveness.


Quality, national economy competitiveness, dominant quality characteristics, national economy competitiveness conceptions, competitive advantages.


External reviewer

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