
, associate professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading


Signed print


Issues number

2016 - № 2 (25)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Article is devoted to the analysis a modern legal framework as a basis for effective implementation of energy policy. Without its formation impossible to achieve considerable success.
Recent research and publications analysis. Research in the field of renewable energy today are usually carried out in the economic and technical aspects of such scientists as G. Geletukha, T. Z helyezna and others. In legal doctrine consider energy issues in their works S. Svirkov (civil aspect of the regulation of energy), A. Vershinin, S. Bilotskyy (international legal aspects of the regulation of renewable energy). Issues relating to the quality electrical energy investigates in his work A. Z harkin. Still, there are questions that
need to be considered.
Paper objective. The objective of this article is to improve understanding of the legislation on renewable energy and identify gaps to form further ways to improve it.
Paper main body. Expanding the share of renewable energy in the electricity sector is one of the key pillars of the Ukraine energy transition. This share is to be increased from a current 1 % to 11 % by 2020. In order for this capacity to be added and used, renewable will have to be better integrated into the electricity markets. This is why we need the revision of the legislation, to render them more market-driven and allow for more competition.
Legislation on renewable energy can be divided into two groups: 1) General legislation, aimed at regulating the overall market: strategic acts and regulatory. The Renewable Energy Sources Act Law about the National Commission on Energy and Renewable Energy Sources National Plan of Action are the key instrument that will enable Ukraine to meet strategic targets. The revision will deliver this transition to a system based on auctioning; 2) Special regard certain objects or relationships in the market, such as regulation of energy from separate sources.
Conclusions of the research. The revision of The Renewable Energy Sources Act, Law about the National Commission on Energy, Renewable Energy Sources National Plan of Action, legislation on the technical functioning of the market for renewable energy, Expansion and improvement of special legislation for the development of energy from certain types of renewable will deliver transition to a system based on auctioning and development of the Renewable Energy Sources Market in Ukraine.
Short Abstract for an article
Аbstract. The article analyzes the general and special legislation of Ukraine in the field of renewable energy. Systematics legislation provides an opportunity to identify gaps and shortcomings of regulation in order to improve and increase efficiency.


Renewable energy, alternative energy sources, adapting the legislation, legislation on renewable energy.


External reviewer

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