Author |
Kotenko A. M., Сandidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Law, Ukraine, Kharkiv |
In heading |
Law; | ||||
Signed print |
27.06.2024 | Issues number |
2024 - 2 (57) | Page |
55-70 |
Type of articles |
Scientific article | Code UDK |
34.01:35.078.7 | ISSN print |
2411-5584 |
Abstract |
Problem setting. InAugust 2021 the Law of Ukraine “On stimulating the development of the digital economy in Ukraine” entered into force, which introduced the legal regime of Diya City. Thus, the question of determining the content of DiyaCity”s legal regime arises. However, comprehensive research first needs to examine the problem of the legal regime as a whole. Recent research and publication analysis. In the scientific literature, sufficient attention is paid to the problems of the legal regime. The content of the legal regime is revealed in textbooks on the theory of law. But there is still no universal approach to understanding the meaning of the concept of “legal regime”. Paper objective. The purpose of the article isto substantiate the approach to determining the content of the legal regime from the standpoint of legislative regulation as the basis of classification and characteristics of its types. Paper main body. The classification of legal regimes into general and special is not justified. It can be only conditionally talked about a certain general legal regime (it is the only one), which operates on the condition that no special legal regime is introduced. Any legal regime establishes the peculiarities of regulation of a certain circle of social relations. It is logical to talk about constitutional regimes, that is provided for by the Constitution of Ukraine, and legal regimes that are not provided for by it. The legal regime is a feature of the regulation of a certain circle of social relations. Conclusion of the research. The legal regime should be considered as a set of legal norms that determine a different order of regulation of a certain circle of social relations. Therefore, the definition of martial law as a special legal regime is not logical. The legal regime of martial law is a set of legal norms that in the condition of imposition of martial law determine the procedure for granting the relevant state authorities, military command, military administrations and local self-government bodies powers. Such powers are necessary to avert the threat, repel armed aggression and ensure national security, eliminate the threat danger to the state independence of Ukraine, its territorial integrity, and a temporary, threat-induced, restriction of the constitutional rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen and the rights and legal interests of legal entities with an indication of the period of validity of these restrictions in the event of armed aggression or threat of attack, danger to the state independence of Ukraine, its territorial integrity. Legal regimes may be provided for by the Constitution of Ukraine or may not be. This leads to the possibility of establishing different legal regimes, for which no mandatory conditions have been established regarding the grounds for establishment and their content. The legislator is actually not limited in the ability to establish any legal regime by arbitrarily defining its content. At the same time, only in relation to the legal regimes enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine the requirement for definition by law is provided. Short Abstract for an article Abstract. In the article, based on the analysis of the approaches of legal science to revealing the content of the concept of legal regime, its essence is substantiated as a set of legal norms that determine the order of regulation of a certain range of social relations. The types, main characteristics and differences of legal regimes of martial law, state of emergency, zone of an ecological emergency zone and zone of temporarily occupied territory are disclosed. |
Keywords |
legal regime, types of legal regimes, the legal regime of martial law, the legal regime of a state of emergency, the legal regime of an ecological emergency zone, the legal regime of a temporarily occupied territory | ||||
Reviewer |
External reviewer |
Article in PDF |
Economic Theory and Law, 2024-2-55-70 | ||||
Bibliography |
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