
, associate professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 53

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2015 - № 3 (22)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK

331.101.262 (477)-057.19

ISSN print



Problem setting. Significant increase of a share of unemployed persons within the structure of national human capital of Ukraine is one of indicators of its destruction in the modern period of local and global social transformations.
Recent research and publications analysis. Changes within the human capital structure have been examined in papers of domestic and foreign scientists, e.g. S. Arkhiiereiev, R. Kapeliushnikov, Yu. Korchahin, A. Lukianova, O. Matskevych, V. Petrenko. Nevertheless, the sense, the main types, and social and economic consequences of the growth of the unemployed human capital in Ukraine haven’t been thoroughly analyzed yet.
Paper objective. The paper objective comprises several components, namely defining an economic category of unemployed human capital. Using this methodological instrument, the author also substantiates the main types of the unemployed human capital and determines reasons of its increase in Ukraine.
Paper main body. The unemployed human capital category characterizes social and economic relationships regarding exemption of a share of a formed and accumulated reserve of knowledge, abilities, skills, and habits from public turnover. Growth of scopes of the unemployed human capital is an indicator of destructive changes of the human capital and a factor of its deterioration. Human capital is absolutely unemployed whether it is exempted from public and productive usage. Human capital is relatively unemployed whether it is used in those activity types, which don’t conform to a level of an accumulated reserve of knowledge. Human capital is formally unemployed whether there is nonconformity between diplomas of education and a real reserve of human’s knowledge.
Conclusions of the research. The increase of the unemployed human capital share is destruction. This fact indicates that the human capital has ceased to perform the role of a factor of social and economic development.


Human capital, unemployed human capital, absolutely, relatively, and formally unemployed human capital, human capital destruction, negative human capital.


Marchenko O. S., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

External reviewer

Timoshenkov I. V ., Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor of the Economic Theory Department, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

Article in PDF

3 25-35


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