
, PhD. Student, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading


Signed print


Issues number

2014 - № 3 (18)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. An economic policy consists of actions and measures on regulation of the economy, which are carried out by a government. Since a state possesses an economic power, it provides an economic policy.
The state economic policy realized due to implementation of certain relatively stable complexes of measures of privately legislative and publicly legislative regulation executed by a state.
According to this, there is the problem of organizational and economic provision of the state industrial policy on the whole.
Recent research and publication analysis. The problem of execution of organizational and economic powers, managerial competences of entities of organizational and economic powers on exercise of a certain activity are considerably considered in works of scientists of all branches of law. Among them are O. M. Vinnyk, O. P. Vikhrova, D. V. Zadykhailo, V. K. Mamutova, V. P. Pashkova, O. P. Podtserkovnyi, V. A. Ustymenko, V. S. Shcherbyna etc. Notwithstanding, the majority of the mentioned scientists did not research activities of the entities of organizational and economic powers on the state industrial policy.
Paper objective. The objective of the article is to determine an order of realization of tasks of the state economic policy by the entities of organizational and economic powers.
Paper main body. Necessity of realization of the tasks of the economic policy in the industry stipulates a need to use such instrument of economic and legal regulation as an organizational one. In other words, there is a need to create the system of institutionalization. Executing their functional powers, the authorities of organizational and economic provision make subjective infl uence on objects of economic and legal regulation.
The state industrial policy in one or another sector of production is presented and confirmed in a state program of a sector development, which is realized due to implementation of economic and legal measures of regulation aimed at achievement of economic and social goals of this policy. Factual controllability of social relationships, which is adequate to an established regime of legal regulation, should be recognized as goals of implementation of economic and legal measures of an infl uence on economic relationships.
However, according to features of its content, the goal of such regulation is to achieve certain qualitative and quantitative economic indices demonstrating different sectors of production.
Conclusions of the research. Consequently, there is a need to notice that the problem of a sense of realization of the state industrial policy is related to the problem of inability of the market and the necessity of state interference in economic processes. The performed analysis underlines signifi cance of the choice of such model of the industrial policy being adequate to an existing level of social and economic development of a country. The basis of such policy should include scientifi c determination of the content of strategic directions (priorities) of development of a national economy, the methods and the measures of realization
of goals and tasks developed by a state. The mechanism of the state industrial policy should be in response to demands of realization of social interests.


Organizational and economic activity, entities of an organizational and economic activity, economic competency, legal nature of an organizational and economic activity.


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Article in PDF

3 218-228



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