
, Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor of Tourism Department,, Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk
, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Finance Department, Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2019 - № 2 (37)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Under conditions of globalization currency system of each country is formed under the influence of the need for international cooperation, exchange of capital in different markets, movement of labor between countries and the growing influence of transnational corporations.
Under conditions of globalization, the currency system of each country is formed under the influence of the need for international cooperation, the exchange of capital in different markets, labor movement between countries and the increased impact of the activities of transnational corporations.
Recent research and publications analysis. Issues of foreign exchange regulation of foreign trade remain underdeveloped at the theoretical and methodological levels and require a separate study.
Paper objective. The purpose is to study the main theoretical and legal aspects of the currency regulation of the state, the need for its implementation, and its impact on the indicators of the foreign trade balance of Ukraine.
Paper main body. In the article it was noted that while carrying out regulations the state uses two bunches of leverages: economical and administrative. First consist of discount rate policy, policy of currency interventions, diversification of foreign exchange reserves, devaluation and revaluation of national currency. The second are used to provide the establishment of restrictions and prohibitions on the foreign exchange market.
The analysis of currencies regulation specifically defined directions was done. It helped to highlight three directions of its implementation: prohibition / permission to carry out certain activities or conduct certain operations in the foreign exchange market; enhancement / limitation of foreign exchange transactions amount, terms, sums; simplification or complication of the rules implementation certain activities, documentary registration of certain types of transactions in the foreign exchange market. The monetary control measures in force in Ukraine have been distributed according to certain directions.
The importance of analysis foreign trade balance indicators of the country was substantiated volume abroad, but due to rising prices for some commodity positions in world markets. While analyzing the structure of exports, it was concluded that Ukraine is still a country of raw material exports. It is the largest exporter of sunflower oil, corn, ferrous metals, iron ore and wheat.
From the conducted research it follows that the problems of incomplete indicator’s identification export and import tourism capital of the country, which cause underestimation of the value of tourism in international trade in goods and services.
Conclusions of the research. Summarizing the above, we’ve arrived at the conclusion that currency regulation does not directly affect the volumes and value of export and import activities, but they determine the terms and conditions of the conclusion and value of foreign economic contracts, the rules for designing and conducting these operations. The changes of the foreign exchange transactions regulation that were introduced in the during the export of services will, in most cases, positively effect, since they facilitate the implementation of foreign exchange transactions in the export of services for small amounts, and the restrictions imposed are unlikely to have a significant effect on conscientious large exporters.
Short Abstract for the article
Abstract. The article deals with the theoretical and legal aspects of currency regulation, the process of its formation in Ukraine, and the role in the system leverage used by the regulator to stabilize the situation on the foreign exchange market. The influence of foreign exchange regulation measures on the formation of foreign trade balance indicators was investigated.


currency regulation, currency system, administrative measures of currency regulation, economic levers, foreign economic activity


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