
, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, associate professor at the Department of Financial Law, Ukraine, Kharkiv

In heading

Scientific discussions and reviews;

Signed print


Issues number

2023-№4 (55)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Pravo Publishing House (Ukraine, Kharkiv city) published the textbook “Financial Services”, prepared by a team of authors under the editorship of O. O. Dmytryk, doctor of legal sciences, professor, head of the Department of Financial Law of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University. The textbook consists of 17 topics that comprehensively reveal the theoretical and practical issues of legal regulation of financial services in Ukraine in today’s conditions.
Recent research and publication analysis. Problems of the functioning of modern markets of financial services are studied by many scientists who represent economic and legal science. However, there is a lack of textbooks and other educational publications that would contain a systematic analysis of theoretical and practical issues of legal regulation of financial services in Ukraine.
Paper objective. The purpose of the article is to summarize the opinions of scientists regarding the theoretical, methodological and practical provisions revealed in the textbook “Financial Services”, prepared by leading teachers of the Department of Financial Law of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University.
Paper main body. The scientific discussion focused on the discussion of two issues:
1) the relevance of scientific research on the legal regulation of financial services and the preparation of relevant educational literature for students of higher legal and economic education;
2) peculiarities of coverage of certain provisions of financial and legal science in the textbook “Financial Services”.
The participants of the discussion came to the opinion that the effective functioning of the financial market is one of the requirements for the sustainable functioning of the economy, as well as a necessary condition for the development of other sectors of the country’s economy. At the same time, the emergence of new technologies and the use of innovations lead to the emergence of new financial instruments, which develop the market of financial services. Accordingly, the conceptual apparatus of financial legislation in Ukraine is complicated. This requires a timely response from scientists and necessitates the modernization of educational material for those seeking higher education. Therefore, the publication of the textbook, which covers the issue of legal regulation of the provision of financial services taking into account the realities of today, is fully justified, relevant and timely.
Conclusion of the research. The textbook “Financial Services” will be useful both for students of higher education and for scientists, teachers of legal and economic disciplines, doctoral students, graduate students and all those who are interested in the issues of legal regulation of financial services.
Short abstract for an article
Abstract. The article is devoted to defining the content of financial services, the place of the financial market in the financial system of the state, the legal status of the subjects of the financial services market, and state regulation of the activities of participants in the financial services markets. The author considered the controversial issues of regulation of money circulation, banking activity, capital markets and organized commodity markets, foreign exchange market and other markets of financial services in Ukraine. The author proposed scientific and methodical approaches to teaching these issues to students of higher legal and economic education.


financial system, financial services, financial services markets, state regulation of activities of financial services market participants.


External reviewer

Article in PDF



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Code DOI
