Author |
Shevchenko Ye. V., associate professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77 |
In heading |
Law; | ||||
Signed print |
27.11.2015 | Issues number |
2016 - № 1 (24) | Page |
213-223 |
Type of articles |
Scientific article | Code UDK |
343.01 | ISSN print |
2411-5584 |
Abstract |
Problem setting. Indication of the correlation between criminal law norms and the criminal legislation is of considerable importance. It deals with settling the matter concerning the sense of a hypothesis as a structural element of a criminal law norm. Recent research and publications analysis. The structure and the sense of each element of a criminal law norm have been considered in scientific papers of numerous scholars. Among them are Yu. V. Baulin, Ya. M. Brainin, S. M. Bratus, O. A. Hertsenzon, M. I. Panov, V. H. Smirnov, A. N. Trainin, V. D. Filimonov, etc. Paper objective. Since the unity of criminal law is disturbed because of an effect of views regarding the non-traditional two-element structure of the criminal law norms, the article objective is to revive the criminal law integrity. Paper main body. There are several advantages of the conception of the three-element structure of the criminal law norm: the conception gives substance to an assumption on the indissoluble integrity of statements of the General and the Special Chapters of the Criminal Code; the conception indicates the main properties of a criminal and legal norm, owing to legal provisions of the General Chapter of the Criminal Code as its inalienable part; application of the conception provides prevalence in a case of the complex approach to improvement of the current legislation within implementation of corresponding powers belonged to legislative authority bodies; the concept conduces to gradual implementation of statements of both parties of the Criminal Code in the law-enforcement activity. Conclusions of the research. The article conclusions are able to form an «intellectual framework» not only for further examination of the structure of the criminal law norm and its particular components, but also for facilitation of improvement of law-making methods and procedures. |
Keywords |
Criminal and legal norm, norm of criminal law, structure of legal norm, hypothesis, disposition, sanction, criminal law. | ||||
Reviewer |
External reviewer |
Article in PDF |
1 213-223 | ||||
Bibliography |
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