
, PhD. Student, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

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Signed print


Issues number

2016 - № 1 (24)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. The main problem of development of small business in Ukraine is the solution of issues concerning organizational support for small businesses, primarily. Also there are not complex purpose-oriented and regional programs of development and support of small enterprises. And creation a unified system of registration and legalization of entrepreneurship etc.
Recent research and publications analysis. An issue of the economic and legal support of small business in Ukraine has been considered in scientific papers of lawyers such as І. V. Trush, І. S. Pokhilenko, І. V. Shcherbak, V. І. Andreev etc. Also the analysis of the above issues were involved by T. Vasilkov, V. Vinnichenko, A. Hiniyatulin, T. Koryahina, M. Safin and others. At the same time, these works are mainly
economic in nature, and therefore quite relevant is research on economic and legal support of small business in Ukraine today.
Paper objective. The purpose of this work is to research the economic and legal support of small business in Ukraine.
Paper main body. There are legal and economic criteria for qualifying small business in Ukraine. Attention is paid to the legal regulation of small enterprises in Ukraine. Offers a solution for the economic and legal support of small enterprise using the international experience. Also there are characteristics of small enterprises such as innovative form of sector of market economy.
Conclusions of the research. Economic and legal support of small business in Ukraine is regulating by the Commercial Code of Ukraine and a number of legislative acts. Unfortunately, practice shows the existence of a number of problems in this area, which are not legal, but more economic. At the same time, solve them should be comprehensive, taking into account the legal, economic, social, political and other factors. Therefore it is advisable to take the concept to develop stimulating small business development in Ukraine
as an important factor in the development of market economy in our country.


Business activities; small business; economic and legal support; criteria for small enterprise; State support of entrepreneurship.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

1 159-170


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