
, associate professor, Kharkiv, Pletnovsky 5

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2015 - № 4 (23)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. In the current period, on the one hand, negative dynamics of the field of intellectual services is inherent to the crisis position of the national economy. On the other hand, the crisis position stipulates particular structural transformations of the economy and actualizes the search for new forms and directions of the activity concerning intellectual servicing.
Recent research and publications analysis. The modern crisis of the field of intellectual services has not been yet thoroughly analyzed. This fact actualizes research in this field. Scientific papers of H. Havrysh, Yu. Zabrodina, and O. Marchenko consider certain aspects of the problem.
Paper objective. The article objective is to indicate the anti-crisis role of intellectual services under conditions of the economic recession in Ukraine and to substantiate directions of its effective realization.
Paper main body. The main problems of development of the field of intellectual services under modern conditions in Ukraine can be divided into two interrelated groups: the first one is problems of overcoming crisis events in this field; the second one is problems related to necessity of increase of the intellectual service role in development and realization of anti-crisis programs at micro and macro levels.
Conclusions of the research. In the educational field, overcoming the crisis and nonconcordance of formal and informal norms, which cause institutional traps of «ineffective investors» and «underground education», dictate the necessity of creation of the effective legal basis for formation and functioning of institutions that provide realization of the anti-crisis role of educational services and intellectual services in general. These institutions are as follows:
an institution of public, business, and civil financial support of studying persons;
– an institution of public, business, and civil financial support of employment of higher educational establishments’ graduates according to their profession;
– an institution of public support of the activity of non-public and non-commercial organizations providing educational services;
– an institution of public and civil controlling quality of educational services.
Public measures of formation and development of an institutional environment of intellectual services are the most important factor of overcoming the modern crisis in this field as well as enhancement of efficiency of realization of their anti-crisis role.
Short Abstract for an article
Abstract. The author has indicated interrelated problems of development of intellectual services under conditions of crisis events, i.e. decline of the business activity and actualization of their anti-crisis role. The article determines institutional traps of educational services. The author substantiates directions of institutionalization of the intellectual services in order to enhance effectiveness of realization of their innovative function and a function aimed at creation of capital.


Іntellectual services, anti-crisis role of intellectual services, institutional traps of an educational field, institutionalization of intellectual services.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

4 55-64


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