
, associate professor, professor, Kharkiv, Svobody Sq. 4,
, associate professor, Kharkiv, Frunze, 21

In heading

Economic analysis of law;

Signed print


Issues number

2015 - № 4 (23)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. The results of the economic analysis application to different branches of law vary significantly. Whereas for some branches these results are quite noticeable (e.g. liability for unintentional damage, property law, contract law, theory of civil litigation), the economic analysis of other branches of law is still in the earliest stages of its development. This is in particular true for education law.
Recent research and publications analysis. Among publications of special note are the works by V. L. Tambovtsev, A. Is. Shastri, L. M. Grigoriev, S. A. Afontsev, A. A. Auzan, Is. S. Gontmakher.
Paper objective. To determine the content and features of educational law as an object of economic analysis and interpretation in the context of economic theory of law.
Paper main body. The main reason for the limited application of economic approach to education law lies in the controversies related to the subject matter and method of education law both in the domestic and international science.
Social relations in education represent a complex system, in which two groups of relations can be identified.
The first group includes relations among direct participants in the education process, through which the main functions of education, i.e. training, enlightening, and upbringing, are realized. These are education-specific relations and they are regulated via specific rules of law.
The second group encompasses not only relations among direct participants in the education process but also relations between direct participants and numerous stakeholders of educational institutions. Such relations emerge with regard to the use and disposal of educational resources as well as the appropriation and distribution of education outputs. These relations are not education-specific and are regulated by legal norms related to other branches of law, such as civil law (when choosing a legal status of the educational
institution, concluding economic contracts with different external organizations); labor law (when hiring employees and concluding employment contracts with research and teaching staff); tax law (when setting up taxation regime and tax privileges for educational institutions) and so on.
The specificity of social relations in education as objects of the regulation by law determines the specificity of education law as a relatively independent complex body of law. Apart from the specificity of its subject matter, a relative autonomy of education law among other branches of law is determined by the peculiarities of ways, techniques, and means, which are used for the legal governance of relations in education.
Conclusions of the research. However, despite its specificity, education law lends itself to the application of those general principles of economic theory that have proved to be useful when applied to other areas of law.
Thus, the application of economic analysis to education law can be defined as an important and promising direction for the development of social studies both domestically and on an international scale.
Short Abstract for an article
Abstract. In the article, the content of education law as an object of economic analysis is defined. The characteristics of education law as a complex body of law are identified. The specificity of the interpretation of the content and structure of the education-related legislation is analyzed.


Education law, the economic theory of education law, economic analysis of law, a complex body of law.


External reviewer

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4 98-108


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