Author |
Rudiaha I. M., PhD. Student, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77 |
In heading |
Law; | ||||
Signed print |
23.10.2015 | Issues number |
2015 - № 4 (23) | Page |
165-175 |
Type of articles |
Scientific article | Code UDK |
346.7:625.1 | ISSN print |
2411-5584 |
Abstract |
Problem setting. Efficient usage of properties in the economic activity requires indication of legal regimes, which are the basis of recognition of an ownership right. Recent research and publications analysis. An issue of a legal regime of properties has been considered by famous lawyers, particularly S. S. Alekseiev, V. B. Isakov, A. M. Kolodii, A. V. Semenishyn, I. V. Spasibo-Fateiev, Yu. V. Hort, S. A. Frolov, etc. Paper objective. The paper objective is to emphasize a special legal personality of enterprises, which take a monopolistic position in correspondence with those economic rights and obligations that adhere to goals of governmental functions and public interests. The necessity of fulfillment of the interests has stipulated the creation of these enterprises. Paper main body. A legal regime of a property is a set of requirements placed on the property in the process of its obtainment, usage in the economic activity, and retirement. In the economic activity, a legal regime of a property consists in establishment of peculiar rules of property accounting, an order of covering its value, and including the property value in the cost, etc. A publicly owned enterprise, which possesses its properties owing to a right of economic jurisdiction, has a right to protection of properties, which is established to protect an ownership right. Properties of the railway encompass productive and non-productive funds and other assets, values of which are presented in a balance sheet. Properties of the railway are the public ownership. This ownership is established according to a right of economic jurisdiction. Conclusions of the research. The main factors characterizing basics of a legal regime of properties of economic entities are as follows: the economic sense and a designative purpose of a property; an ownership form; the legal status, according to which the property is obtained; a property type; a business entity type; an area and a type of an activity. The sense of a legal regime of business entity properties depends on an organizational and legal form of an enterprise. The railway property comprises productive and non-productive funds and other assets, values of which are presented in a balance sheet. Short Abstract for an article Abstract. The article is dedicated to theoretical and legal research of the legal regime of properties of business entities that take a monopolistic position in the national market. The author takes a considerable notice of the portfolio of properties of the Ukrainian railway. |
Keywords |
Transport, railway transport, portfolio of property, ownership right, right of economic jurisdiction, right of operative management. | ||||
Reviewer |
External reviewer |
Article in PDF |
4 165-175 | ||||
Bibliography |
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Code DOI |
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