
, PhD. Student, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

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Signed print


Issues number

2015 - № 3 (22)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. As the Economic Code of Ukraine has entered into force, public regulation of the economic activity, as a particular form and a mechanism of implementation of state’s functions in the economic field, is comprehensively legislatively consolidated. Simultaneously, the Economic Code of Ukraine has fixed only a system of public regulation means in the context of implementation of the very economic policy. All the
other aspects, namely economic competences of a set of entities exercising organizational and economic powers, their system and processual forms and mechanisms of implementation, relationships with the State programs for economic development and implementation of special economic regimes or public support measures, remain in the position of fragmental legal regulation in numerous sources of the economic and administrative legislation.
Recent research and publications analysis. An issue of public regulation of an economic activity has been researched by domestic scientists such as O. M. Vinnyk, O. P. Vikhrov, V. V. Dobrovolska, D. V. Zadykhailo, H. L. Znamenskyi, V. K. Mamutov, V. M. Pashkov, O. P. Podtserkovnyi, V. A. Ustymenko, O. V. Shapovalova, V. S. Shcherbyna, etc. Nevertheless, the issue has been considered mainly in the context of systematization
and retrospection.
Paper objective. The paper objective is to research mechanisms of regulative influence of a state on the economic activity and to indicate the current position of its legislative framework.
Paper main body. The necessity of public regulation of an economy, including a business area, is caused by absence of such a self-regulation mechanism, which would enable the economy to successfully function and to make apparent the social vitality. This leads to a need for public regulation, which will support all the business area. Scientific cognition and more comprehensive mastering this mechanism enable society members to act in directions dictated by objective economic conditions, to improve own economic activity
according to ripen needs, and to accelerate development of productive forces.
Conclusions of the research. A list of measures for public regulation of the economic activity of citizens needs to be reconsidered and improved, taking into account current economic conditions.


Public regulation, public regulation means, public regulation functions, regulative influence of a state on an economic activity.


Milash V . S., doctor of legal Sciences, associate Professor, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

External reviewer

Kolisnyk V. P., doctor of legal Sciences, Professor, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Article in PDF

3 240-252


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