
, professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2014 - № 3 (18)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Implementation of the development strategy of university occupies the central place in the structure of educational management. It provides long-term efficiency of educational organization.
Recent research and publication analysis. An increasing role of the strategic management of university is studied by scientists: S. Belyakov, A. Bikadorova, A. Voronin, A. Grudzinskiy, T. Ekshikeev, G. Konstantinov, E. Knyazev, V. Lupanov, I. Pavlyutkin, S. Savzikhanova, H. Tkhagapsoev, A. Fedorov, S. Filonovich. They interpret the university strategy as establishment of long-term goals and objectives of university, the program of actions and allocation of resources required to achieve these goals.
Paper objective. The purpose of the article is to analyze the methodical base of development and realization of growth strategies as condition for the development of university.
Paper main body. Growth strategy is implemented by universities that train specialists for the fastest growing industries and in the presence of the university’s growth potential. Internal growth of university is due to its internal resources. Universities choose one of the following strategies: 1) penetration to the market of educational services; 2) development of educational market. For greater coverage of regional markets in the middle of the country it is expedient to form the distributed university as the totality of its territorial
divisions. To reach international markets it is important to create the transnational university; 3) strategy of differentiation. In the broad sense we mean the priority development of one of the directions of activity, which becomes base for this university; in the more narrow sense — innovative activity of university. External growth of university will be realized due to strategies: 1) integration of subjects of educational activity. We distinguish the reverse vertical, progressive and horizontal integration of universities. In the information society the mixed forms and also associative network forms of integration of universities are relevant. The main problem is acquisitions and mergers of universities; 2) diversifi cation — the development of new kinds of educational products or services at the same time the development of new market segments; or development of new areas and activities not related to educational services of university. Diversifi cation growth of university is costly and risky.
Conclusion of the research. An effective growth strategy makes it possible to forecast the prospects of universities, to respond quickly to changing situations and to implement the select educational policy of university.


Strategy, university, university growth, integration, diversifi cation, network form of integration.


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