
, PhD. Student, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading


Signed print


Issues number

2014 - № 3 (18)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. However there is the appropriate normative and regulative basis of application of this mechanism in Ukraine, it is of law effi ciency in the sector of dealing with waste and under formed economic and social conditions.
Recent research and publication analysis. The problem of formation of the mechanisms of state regulation in different sectors of a national economy is an object of research of numerous economists, e.g. O. M. Vinnyk, D. V. Zadykhailo, V. K. Mamutova, V. M. Pashkova, O. P. Podtserkovnyi, V. A. Ustymenko, O. V. Shapovalova, v. S. Shcherbyna etc. Notwithstanding, the mentioned scientists did not consider the problem within the context of the system of dealing with waste in the process of examination of the problem.
Paper objective. The objective of the article is research of the framework of formation of the state regulation mechanism in the sector of dealing with waste.
Paper main body. The economic and legal mechanism of state regulation in the sector of dealing with waste consists of:
1. Rates setting, which is implemented by development, agreement, and confirmation according to the established order of legal acts as a system of regulators of the respective activity. Setting of rates is applied for share indices of waste formation (normative formation of waste) per a unit of products (raw materials, energy), performance of works etc.; marginal indices of waste formation (normatively appropriate amounts); regalement of usage and expanses of raw materials; requirements for the activity related to dealing with waste.
2. Limits for formation and allocation of waste established to prevent or to reduce waste formation and improvement of the economic mechanism of fee charging for their allocation. The limits should be established on the basis of existing documentarily confi rmed information regarding opportunities of ecologically safe actions with waste and are calculated as a sum of respective indices for all directions of such actions.
3. Establishment and charging of fees for waste allocation, which are based on the basic norms of charge and take into account established limits, normatively admissible amounts of waste formation, factual amounts of their allocation, and territorial indices. The excess index is established for overlimit waste allocation.
4. Stimulation of waste usage due to efforts of local governments and local authorities based on ecological and economic expediency and needs of a region for one or another type of a product.
Conclusions of the research. Components of effi ciency of the mentioned above economic and legal measures should include: signifi cant decrease of risks related to entities accumulating and conservating high-toxic waste; implementation of new technologies of utilization and disposal of municipal solid waste, gradual decrease and stabilization of amounts of their burial in a mortuary; extension of an amount and enhancement of quality of services related to sanitary cleaning of human settlement territories; turning of waste disposal entities into ecologically safe entities and reduction of social tension in population of a territory, where these entities allocated; increase of amounts of curing, recycling, and utilization of waste as secondary raw materials and production of additional goods; turning of the sector of dealing with waste into a self-fi nancing and a productive sector of an economy, creation of additional work places in the sector, and increase of tax gains and charges; formation of ecologically-oriented behavior of economic entities aimed at minimization of amounts of waste formation and decrease of their danger.


State regulation in the sector of dealing with waste, norms of waste, fee for waste allocation.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

3 172-183



Code DOI

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