
, Doctor of Science (Economics), docent, Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and International Economics, Ukraine, Kharkiv

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2014 - № 3 (18)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Economic education is a basis of understanding of contemporary social and economic conditions. Its main task is timely presentation of cardinal changes accompanying contemporary processes of development in the theory. Unfortunately, some tendencies of lagging of economic education behind modern economic science occur. However, there is lagging of the scientific reaction behind modern transformations.Nowadays, economic education works in the regime of “overtaking” of the reality, i.e. does
not objectively presents the reality. The prognosticative function of economics is not completely
presented in economic education.
Recent research and publication analysis. A considerable number of works of modern scientists are dedicated to a problem of higher education and reformation of a system of education on the whole. In particular, there is a need to focus on a signifi cant contribution to the researches of this problem by Ukrainian and foreign scientists as V. Bobkov, H. Zadorozhnyi, J. Kornai, Yu. Pahomov, N. Khohlov, L. Yakovenko etc., whose works are dedicated precisely to the problems of economic education.
Paper objective. The purpose of the article is analysis of problems and perspectives of economic education development and formulation of its topical paradigms.
Paper main body. Economic education is an element of functioning of an economic system, which creates a basis for its effective development, enhancement of it by high-qualifi ed professionals, implementation of econometric paradigms in an economic activity.
In our opinion, universities have the main role in formation of paradigms and reference points of economic education. Universities are a motion force of social development and development of the economy based on knowledge. They make a considerable contribution to development of human capital.
Notwithstanding, the modern education system of Ukraine and, in particular, the system of economic education do not aim at formation of complete perception of the world and world-view. Also, unaccountability of the modern conditions in a pedagogical practice conduces to eclecticity, fragmentariness of the economic system of knowledge and general outlook of students.
The most important paradigms of modern economic education include: the role of the globalization in social and economic development, the problem of overcoming of the global ecological catastrophe, formation of an economy based on knowledge, realization of the concept of stable development, noospherization of all areas of human development, increase of humanity life quality etc.
Creation of the effective system of economic education in Ukraine requires complex reformation of the entire educational system. Within this context researches done in educology — a science on education, which examines general trends of organization, functioning, and development of an education area — play an important role.
Conclusion of the research. Education increase quality of human potential. Good education increases its quality many times over. Modern education, which is adequate to social and economic conditions, may be not overtaking, but advanced. Thus, universities are entitled not so much to transfer knowledge, which often become outdated, as to help students to obtain basic concepts enabling to gain knowledge on their own and to transfer the methodology of self-education to them.


Economic education, paradigms of development, standardization, quality of life, professionalism, social and economic development.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

3 123-135



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