
, Master of law and economics, Kyiv

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2023-№3 (54)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. The modern period of socio-economic development of Ukraine and the world economy is characterized by radical changes in models of economic behavior of business under the multi-vector and contradictory influence of global and local factors and transformations. This requires entrepreneurs to intensify their search for innovative solutions and implement innovative business projects.
For Ukrainian business, increasing innovativeness and innovative activity an important factor in its preservation in the conditions of wartime, adaptation and post-war recovery at a qualitatively new level. The activation of innovative activity is facilitated by innovation consulting, which updates the analysis of its role and modern directions as professional assistance to business in the field of innovation.
Recent research and publication analysis. In modern scientific and applied sources, innovative consulting and its role in ensuring business efficiency and competitiveness are considered based on such approaches as professional-entrepreneurial, multifunctional, service, technological, social. Each of the approaches contributes to the disclosure of certain aspects of innovative consulting, but a systematic understanding of it has not yet been formed. The introduction of a system approach is necessary and important for revealing the essence and directions of development of innovative consulting in the modern period.
Paper objective. The purpose of the article is to justify the role of innovative consulting in business systems in terms of challenges and risks at the global and national levels by defining and characterizing its multi-vector essence and modern directions.
Paper main body. According to the subject specialization, the modern areas of innovative consulting are:
– innovative management consulting, the complexity and multifunctionality of which services ensure the target and organizational unity of management of the innovative activities of enterprises;
– consulting of innovation ecosystems, aimed at ensuring unity, complementarity and effective interaction of their components to achieve the goals of the participants of innovation networks;
– innovative financial consulting focused on providing professional assistance to innovators, innovatively active enterprises and investors in innovation to solve the problems of effective financing of the innovation process at all its stages;
– consulting for the commercialization of innovative products as a complex of professional services for the transformation of an intellectual product-innovation intoa product characterized by consumer value and value, which is an object of purchase and sale on the markets of innovations and innovative products;
– startup consulting – professional assistance of innovation consulting specialists to startup founders and teams at all stages of the life cycle of an innovative project;
– consulting on digitalization of business organizations as professional assistance to enterprises in the development and implementation of business digitalization strategies, digital business models and processes.
Conclusion of the research. Modern innovative consulting according to the system approach:
1) this is the entrepreneurial activity of consultants and their business organizations for professional service of innovators-individuals, innovative and innovation-active enterprises, aimed at a qualified solution to the problems of ensuring the effectiveness of their activities at all stages of the innovation process, which is based on a modern scientific and methodological complex and consulting innovations;
2) is divided into complex, specialized and educational innovative consulting;
3) covers such modern directions as innovative management consulting, innovative ecosystem consulting, business digitalization project consulting, startup consulting, innovative product commercialization consulting, innovative financial consulting, etc.; the innovation is crypto project consulting.
Short abstract for an article
Abstract. The article, based on a systemic approach, reveals the essential characteristics and role of innovative consulting as a factor in increasing the innovative activity of business. A subject classification of types of innovation consulting has been developed – complex, specialized, educational business consulting in the field of innovation. Modern directions and services of innovative consulting are defined and characterized: innovative management consulting, innovative ecosystems, financing of innovative projects, commercialization of innovations, digitalization of business, startup consulting. The relevance of crypto project consulting development has been proven.


innovative activity, innovative consulting, complex, specialized, educational innovative consulting, modern directions of innovative consulting, innovative management, innovative ecosystems, commercialization of innovations, digitalization of business, startup, crypto projects.


External reviewer

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